1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 # asyncio 没有提供http协议的接口 4 import asyncio 5 import time 6 from urllib.parse import urlparse 7 8 9 async def get_url(url): 10 url = urlparse(url) 11 host = url.netloc 12 path = url.path 13 if path == '': ...
// c.bufw默认长度为4096,4<<10=4096,用于发送response c.bufw = newBufioWriterSize(checkConnErrorWriter{c}, 4<<10) // 循环处理HTTP请求 for { // 处理请求并返回封装好的响应 w, err := c.readRequest(ctx) // 判断是否有读取过数据,如果读取过数据则设置TCP状态为active if c.r.remain !=...
HAProxy 1.3在Linux 2.6及打了epoll补丁的Linux 2.4上默认使用epoll,在FreeBSD上使用kqueue,这两种机制在任何负载上都能提供恒定的性能表现。 在较新版本的Linux 2.6(>=上,HAProxy还能够使用splice()系统调用在接口间无复制地转发任何数据,这甚至可以达到10Gbps的性能。 基于以上事实,在x86或x86_64平台...
当上层接着调用TcpServer::start()该函数中调用Acceptor::listen 之后: 当新客户连接时候则调用TcpServer::newConnection 函数,该函数里面来一个客户端则new一个 TcpConnection 对象, 接着给该客户端注册回调函数,即TcpServer的上层给TcpServer设置的回调函数: connectionCallback;messageCallback_; writeCompleteCallbac...
Link("", 8000);//IP, 端口号 while(true){ cout<<"等待客户端连接..."<<endl; // puts("等待客户端连接..."); connectingSock = accept(serverSock , (struct sockaddr*)&connectingAddr , (socklen_t*)&addrlen); if( connectingSock < 0){ ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415 publicstatic void main(String[] args) throwsSOAPException, Exception { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String String>(); params.put("a","1"); String string="http:/xxx/xxx"; /** ***以下是HTTP请求*** */// HttpProtocolHandler...
10__doc__="""sw2us HTTP Proxy. 11 12""" 13 14__version__="0.2.1" 15 16importBaseHTTPServer, select, socket, SocketServer, urlparse 17importhttplib,traceback,re 18importos,sys,re,mimetools,zlib,StringIO,gzip,time,StringIO 19
@@ -10,8 +10,15 @@ export default (api: IApi) => { 10 10 .object({ 11 11 port: joi.number().description('devServer port, default 8000'), 12 12 host: joi.string(), 13 - https: joi.alternatives(joi.object(), joi.boolean()), 14 - http2: joi.boolean(), 13 + ht...
139 // override target 'http://www.example.org' to 'http://localhost:8000' 140 'dev.localhost:3000': 'http://localhost:8000', 141 }, 142 }; 143 144 // create the proxy (without context) 145 const exampleProxy = createProxyMiddleware(options); ... http://t.acg.rip:6699/announce http://pow7.com:80/announce http://tracker.edkj.club:6969/announce http://open.acgnxtracker.com:80/announce http://tracker.trackerfix.com:80/announce http://bt.edwardk.info:...