HS Code (Harmonized System Code): This internationally accepted code for product classification consists of 6 to 10 digits and is used by customs authorities worldwide. HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule): Is specific to the US. It extends the HS Code to a more detailed 10-digit level, primarily...
From January 1, 1992, my country's import and export tax uses the World Customs Organization \"Product Name and Code Coordination System\" (referred to as HS). This system is a science of science The system's international trade product classification system is used in six -digit coding, w...
The HTS is a 10-digit code designed so that each article falls into only one category. It is divided into chapters, each of which has a 2-digit number. Each product category within the various chapters is designated by 4, 6, 8 or 10 digits. The 4-digit categories are called headings...
What is a Harmonized Tariff Code?The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is a 10-digit import classification system that is specific to the United States. HTS codes, also called HTS numbers or HTSUS codes, are administered by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)...
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the US1is a nomenclature system used to classify traded goods for import categorization. This is based on their material composition, product name, and/or intended function. An HTS Code is a 10-digit code specifically designed to ensure each article falls into ...
HS 编码(HS Code) 一个6 位数的编码,全球统一,国际通用,用于对每种进口商品进行分类。前两位数字代表章,中间两位数字代表章内的目,最后两位数字代表目内的子目。 HTS 编码(HTS Code) 美国10 位数海关编码,前 6 位是国际协调制度下的 HS 编码。HTS 编码共分为 5 个部分,其中, ...
Schedule B codes are ten-digit numbers used by the US Census Bureau (rather than the ITC) to monitor US exports. An item’s Schedule B is similar to its HTS code, where the first six digits are identical to the international HS code. However, its last four digits may be different. ...
An HS code is a six-digit product classification number that members of theWorld Customs Organization(WCO) use for international shipments. As of 2021, 183 countries are members of the WCO, including China, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. There are three parts...
In the United States, the complete US HTS code, often referred to as the HTSUS code, is a 10-digit number. Digits 7 and 8 are used to identify the specific import duty rate for the product in the U.S., while digits 9 and 10 are used for an optional further breakdown of the co...
You can find the right HTS code by searching for the product in theHarmonized Tariff Schedule Search, managed by the US government. Taking chocolate confectionery as an example, you’d start by searching for the section and chapter that represents the industry. In this case, it would be secti...