一般选择前者,即 water(IAPWS 1997),IAPWS 代表 The InternationalAssociation for the Properties of Water and Steam。結释鏈跄絞塒繭绽綹蕴。注意:在树形栏 control 一项 method 中,condensation选项,选择纯组分 pure component 为 yes 计算,否则, HTRI 会按照含有不凝气计算,使热传递系数计 算不正确,从而影响...
41、is region.specified the vapor specific heat and/or the heat release curve for this case.热流体的气相比热在临界温度点计算。在这个范围利用线性插值法得到的气相比热和热负荷可能不准确。在这种情况下指定气相潜热或热流体曲线数据。可忽略。9. a differential flash is recommended for two-tube pass in...
Development of a new heat exchanger tube vibration data bank at Argonne National Laboratory is described. Comprehensive case histories on heat exchangers that have experienced tube-vibration problems and units that have been trouble-free are accumulated and this information is rendered available for ...
boiling。and single-phase heat transfer test data. HTRI.Xphe can design。account for。and XXX-based port XXX the flow rate into each plate channel. HTRI.Xace are can design。account for。and simulate the performance of air coolers and XXX It can also simulate the performance of air coolers...
Keywords:HTRI;HeatExchanger;Optimal design 第 1.1 我国的能源现状存在着两个突出的问题。第一,能源结构不合理。相比国外而言,我国能源效率利用率低,单位产品能耗高于世界同级水平。第二,由于我国人口众多,虽然国内能源储量较大,但人均水平处于世界人均水平较低地位。因此,设计出一种能够大幅节能的设备具有重大的战略意...
Development of a new heat exchanger tube vibration data bank at Argonne National Laboratory is described. Comprehensive case histories on heat exchangers that have experienced tube-vibration problems and units that have been trouble-free are accumulated and this information is rendered available for evalu...
The section of interest to shell-and-tube heat-exchanger designers is Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Division 1. This is the primary standard used for vessel mechanical design in the United States. ASME 标准是在本世纪初由于频繁的锅炉爆炸事件发生而由美国机械工程师协会...
Keywords:HTRI;HeatExchanger;Optimaldesign 目录 第1章前言1 1.1课题研究背景及意义1 1.2换热器简介2 1.2.1换热器分类2 1.2.2管壳式换热器的结构和使用特点3 第2章冷凝器设计8 2.1冷凝器选型8 2.1.1饱和蒸汽冷凝8 2.1.2含不凝气的冷凝冷却过程8 2.1.3安装注意事项9 2.2冷凝器设计依据9 2.2.1管壳式冷凝器类...
For the "Initialize HTRI Data from PRO/II Heat Exchanger Model" option, the HTRI file having a naming convention of "filename_UID" is created in the TEMP directory. Delete HTRI Data: Push this button to delete the HTRI Data file from the TEMP directory. Export to Standalone HTRI Data ...
U-tube. As the name implies, the tubes of a U-tube heat exchanger (Figure 3) are bent in the shape of a U。 U型管,顾名思义,如图3所示U型管换热器的管子被弯曲成“U”的形状 There is only one tubesheet in a Utube heat exchanger. However, the lower cost for the single tubesheet is...