STEINWARZ W;XU Y H.Status of design of the htr- test module China.Nuclear Engineering and De- sign.1990.317-324STEINWARZ, W., YUANHUI, X. Status of Design of The HTR-Test Module China. Nuclear Engineering and Design 121, 317 - 324, 1990....
Mathews Module HTR/HTX/TRG 马修斯 拉距模块 上一个下一个 商品货号:110493商品库存: 10 个商品品牌:Mathews 马修斯商品重量:0磅上架时间:2015-07-08商品点击数:8235用户评价: 参考价格¥320元 市场价格:¥384元 会员用户:¥317元|暂存 购买此商品可使用:0 积分 ...
Results of structure mechanical investigations for the HTR-Modul 170 are reported. The same attains lower component temperatures in the investigated accidents than the HTR-module 200, and thus can be estimated on a better materials data basis and with more simple methodical approaches. The manufacture...
In this paper the fracture mechanical behaviour of the primary circuit pressure boundary of a planned HTR-module reactor for electricity and steam generation under normal operation is assessed probabilistically. First and second order reliability methods (FORM-SORM) are used to calculate failure probabili...
The high temperature reactor (HTR) Module (Lohnert, 1990) is a graphite-moderated, helium cooled pebble bed design that has been extensively used as a reference template for the former South African (Matzner, 2004) and current Chinese (Zhang et al., 2009) HTR programs. This design utilizes...
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DFHTRZXP executable moduleEntry points DFHTRZXP Called by CEDA transaction, DFHTCRP, DFHTOR Description DFHTRZXP builds a connection builder parameter set.Parent topic: CICS executable modules
The Shandong Shidao Bay 200 MWe High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble-Bed Module (HTR-PM) Demonstration Power Plant: An Engineering and Technological ... The Shandong Shidao Bay 200 MWe high-temperature gas- cooled reactor pebble-bed module (HTR-PM) demonstration power plant: an engineering...
DFHTRZIP executable moduleEntry points DFHTRZIP Called by CEDA transaction, DFHTCRP, DFHTOR Description DFHTRZIP builds a chain of builder parameter sets for sessions.Parent topic: CICS executable modules
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