$string=strtr($encoded, $trans); (it looked a bit different in my code, but the idea is clear) I couldn't get the apostrophe sign de-coded, and I needed it for the <A> tags. After an hour or so of debuging, I decided do print_r($trans). What I got was: ... ...
$string=strtr($encoded, $trans);(it looked a bit different in my code, but the idea is clear)I couldn't get the apostrophe sign de-coded, and I needed it for the <A> tags. After an hour or so of debuging, I decided do print_r($trans). What I got was:......
does not support it (does that exists?), or to be really sure that all of your users are going to see accentued letters, even without setting correctly the charset you are using. Well that's what I believe at least. I may be wrong, and I'm sure their are better uses of htmlentit...
The PHP function htmlspecialchars is currently not recognized as a valid escaping function. The function "converts special characters into HTML entities" (http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php). It is actually what esc_t...
In case the text includes an email address like "myName<myEmail@email.com>",info['reciever_name']will only show the "myName" portion of it. It appears that the issue you are facing pertains to the presentation of the outcomes and does not have any connection with the form. ...
I'm having some difficulty getting my webpage to utilize a smooth scroll. I have a navbar at the top of the page with 4 options on it. Each option corresponds to a section further down on the page. I ... graphical explanation of a struct within another struct but a pointer to it,...
}//---// Nike.. do it//---if($type =='add') {$this->DB->insert('login_methods', $array); }else{$this->DB->update('login_methods', $array,'login_id='. $login_id); }//---// Recache//---
* It handles both administrative or user help. * Data: $_GET['help'] parameter, it holds what string to display * and where to get the string from. ($helptxt or $txt) * It is accessed via ?action=quickhelp;help=?. * *@usesManagePermissions language file, if the help starts with...
is that confirmation before you send it or in email or email? i lost myself a bit what do you use to view emails? (is it posible that email program/viewer does change it?) can we see more of your script? e.g. headers... and please promice that after string_replace( ) you don...