H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于 WEB 的 HTML5 制作工具的内核。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手编写HTML5页面。H5DS同时也是一款基于react+mobx的在线HTML制作工具,灵活的内核可快速改造成各种 可视化制作工具(基于该内核,可以做BI工具,建站工具,图形设计工具,在线PPT工具等一系列工具),H5DS提供了...
As yet another remarkable browser-based HTML5 editor, Maqetta is a full-featured WYSIWYG editor that can be used for creating a web page, dragging and dropping elements onto a web page and editing a web page using the source code view or the design mode. Additionally, Maqetta comes with a...
H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于WEB的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手制作H5页面。类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具,示范网站:h5ds.com - GitHub - tt-52101/h5ds: H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于WEB的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码的人
H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于WEB的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手制作H5页面。类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具,示范网站:h5ds.com - GitHub - sacrifice002/h5ds: H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于WEB的 H5制作工具。让不会写代码
Andrea, the creator of the website shows off her skills in photography, web design, graphics, video making, and 3D tech all in one place with this website. Her interest in all these areas and mountain hiking is what inspired her to be a part of this project about Italian mountains and...
Zebra brings fresh view and possibilities to develop WEB based Rich UI applications. The approach sits on top of HTML5 Canvas element what makes possible to render any imaginable UI. Zebra development is much closer to software engineering where you write well structured, supportable, extendable co...
H5DS (HTML5 Design software) 这是一款基于 WEB 的 HTML5 制作工具的内核。让不会写代码的人也能轻松快速上手编写HTML5页面。H5DS同时也是一款基于react+mobx的在线HTML制作工具,灵活的内核可快速改造成各种 可视化制作工具(基于该内核,可以做BI工具,建站工具,图形设计工具,在线PPT工具等一系列工具),H5DS提供了...
1. id Software动画格式:MD2和MD5 你会时不时在Web 上看到用于id Software 的流行游戏DOOM 和Quake 的专有格式。MD2及它后续的MD5 格式,是用来定义角色动画的。这个格式被id Software 所控制,他们很早就公布了这个格式的规范,并且有许多工具支持导入它们。 MD2 格式是为Quake II 创建的,是一种二进制格式。它支持...
When you need to create content and animation that can be compatible on any browser, regardless if it’s Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome or others, you can use this HTML software that provides integrated tools for all-in-one-place creation. ...
Revision is a responsive HTML5 / CSS3 template for business, software or blog site. This is a flexible and multipurpose, modern and sleek site template, suited for any situations. With a responsive design it is ready to look stunning on any device – from a widescreen monitor to a mobile...