I am using html5 video tag for displaying video in a lightbox. The video itself works fine. But when i try to autoplay it when someone opens the lightbox i fail. Here is the javascript code i am using. HTML to trigger lightbox which is working fine. Watch the full video HTML of vide...
通过添加静音属性muted来自动播放视频 <videosrc="视频文件.mp4"mutedautoplaycontrols></video> 一个失败的方法———通过添加iframe标签来获取页面自动播放权限 <iframesrc="music.mp3"allow="autoplay"style="display: none;"></iframe><audiocontrols></audio><script>varifm =document.getElementsByTagName('ifra...
好像最新的ios10可以允许预加载了,不知道以后会不会允许autoplay。 我亲自试了一下,它是在我滑动了一下页面,才开始呼出视频弹窗,并播放的,你加载完了不动它试试它还出来。这就是我说的要先手动触发一下。。。先有一个video标签,监听document上的touchstart,然后立即调用video的play 有用5 回复 不爱吃西红柿的...
<video width="402" height="402" controls autoplay muted> <source src="images/video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 您的浏览器不⽀持 video 标签。</video> </div> CSS部分 /* 视频 */ .li-video { width: 402px;height: 402px;position: absolute;left: 350px;top: 550px;/* display: none; *...
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <video muted src="./1.mp4" autoplay width="300" loop></video> </body> </html>...
as I go through the process of debugging I see now that the scorm files that have problem are those with a simulation ; the simple video demo files do not have problems in HTML5. We are in a very different perspective here. I'll tell if I find a...
以前一直觉得video 添加 autoplay属性后,视频会自动播放没有问题,然而这次开发一个小项目用到video时才发现,设置autoplay属性不好使了,只有在controls的模式下点击播放按钮才可以播放。 最后翻了很多资料说video标签中添加muted属性,亲测有效,代码: <vid
video controls autoplay January 28, 2019 at 2:46 am#281904 designpulp Participant try This Your browser does not support the video tag. Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total) The forum ‘Other’ is closed to new topics and replies....
贴吧用户_Gb7XEE9 幼儿园 2 有一个muted可以自动播放,但是是没有声音的... iluKane 学前班 3 早被废弃了,这个html属性失效了 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示4回复...
video.png 解释 因为新版本的谷歌浏览器考虑到用户体验,部分视频在自动播放准备就绪后,会自动把音量调整到最大而播放,所以自18年就屏蔽了video的自动播放这一属性,不过在观察video标签的属性可以发现它的另一个属性muted,muted 属性是一个 boolean(布尔) 属性。muted 属性设置或返回音频/视频是否应该被静音(关闭声音...