functionfilter(node){return(node.tagName!=='i');}htmlToImage.toSvg(document.getElementById('my-node'),{filter:filter}).then(function(dataUrl){/* do something */}); toJpeg 保存并下载压缩的 JPEG 图像: htmlToImage.toJpeg(document.getElementById('my-node'),{quality:0.95}).then(function(...
在Vue-html-to-paper中隐藏元素,可以通过以下几种方式实现: 1. 使用CSS样式:可以通过设置元素的display属性为none来隐藏元素。例如,如果要隐藏一个具有特定class的元...
Vue HTML to Paper Vue 3 plugin for printing html elements. Vue 3 Demo GitBook Documentation Vue 2 Vue 2 is now low priority support, but feel free to send PR tov1branch, and I'll be happy to publish them. There are no changes to the way you use the plugin nor the way you instal...
1)html2canvas能够实现在用户浏览器端直接对整个或部分页面进行截屏。这个html2canvas脚本将当页面渲染成一个Canvas图片,通过读取DOM并将不同的样式应用到这些元素上实现。它不需要来自服务器任何渲染,整张图片都是在客户端浏览器创建。想要了解更多,阅读html2canvas官方文档 2)安装引用html2canvas npm install html2ca...
获取html字符串 首先在入口文件处,使用template属性或者el属性获取到需要解析的html字符串 template 1.html字符串,如 {代码...} 2.如果值以 # 开始,则它将...
AI Powered Figma to Code, right in your favorite tool. Get code, based on your design, and accelerate the design to development process. What can you do with Anima? 👩💻 Export Figma to code (HTML, React, or Vue code with CSS, Tailwind CSS or
**Status: beta**. Latest version: 0.1.12, last published: 6 years ago. Start using vue-json-to-html in your project by running `npm i vue-json-to-html`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using vue-json-to-html.
vue-to-pdf 一个vue.js的组件,可以将html转化为pdf和图片并进行下载 安装 $ npm i vue-to-pdf --save 引入 importvueToPdffrom'vue-to-pdf';Vue.use(vueToPdf); 使用 newVue({template:`<div ref="content">打印出的内容</div>`,mounted(){this.$PDFSave(this.$refs['content'],'我的文件')/...
Expected behaviour in html, Can inject cdn dynamically through htmlWebpackPlugin.options Current behaviour it not work Config Copy the minimal webpack.config.js to produce this issue: module.exports = { chainWebpack: config => { config ...
<divv-dompurify-html="src"/> 法2: 一、下载依赖 npm install xss --save 二、main.js中引入xss包并挂载到vue原型上 importxssfrom'xss'Vue.prototype.xss=xss 三、在vue.config.js中覆写html指令 chainWebpack:config=>{config.module.rule('vue').use('vue-loader').loader('vue-loader').tap(opti...