<style>.center-text { text-align: center;}</style><div class="center-text">这是居中的文本。</div>文本垂直居中:垂直居中文本通常需要更多的CSS样式。你可以使用CSS的display: flex和align-items: center来垂直居中文本。<style>.center-vertically { display: flex; align-items: ce...
例如,`text-indent: 2em;`可以让文字的首行向右缩进2个字体大小的距离。 – 使用`text-align`属性设置文本的水平对齐方式,包括左对齐(`left`)、右对齐(`right`)、居中对齐(`center`)和两端对齐(`justify`)等。例如,`text-align: center;`可以将文字水平居中对齐。 – 使用`vertical-align`属性设置文本的垂直...
DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>居中对齐文本</title><style>.center-align{text-align: center; }</style></head><body><divclass="center-align"><p>This is a center-aligned text.</p><p>...
div { margin: 5px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; } .vcenter { background: #eee; /* optional */ width: 150px; height: 150px; } .vcenter:before { content: " "; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 0.001%; /* Just in case the...
How do I vertically center text with CSS? [duplicate] (37 answers) Closed 2 hours ago.So I want to center a few lines of text, but they always just start left instead of being aligned.This is what it's currently likeThis is my current HTML:...
Solution 3: display table <div class="wrapper"> <div class="centered"> vertical aligned div </div> </div> .wrapper { display:table } .centered { display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; /* add code below to also center horizontally */ text-align:center; } Compatibility:...
水平居中方式一: text-aligin:center(仅限行内元素)text-align属性定义行内元素(例如文字)如何相对它的块父元素对齐。当其值为center时能够领行内元 html5设置垂直居中 html中1个元素的水平左移 偏移量 水平垂直居中 属性设置 转载 AI智行者 2023-09-26 09:28:00...
行内元素水平对齐方式:text-align valuedescriptionleft左对齐(默认)right右对齐center居中justify两端对齐inherit继承父元素的text-align valuedescriptionleft左对齐(默认)right右对齐center居中justify ... 行内元素 左对齐 基线 两端对齐 转载 mob604756f49b91 ...
Center text both vertically and horizontally in the canvas: Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. <script> constcanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); constctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.font="30px Verdana"; ...
Align an image center vertically We have discussed above how to align an image horizontally but there might be cases when you need to center it vertically. To accomplish this we have to take two steps. The wrapping element needs to be displayed as table cell and the vertical-align has to ...