import 'package:flutter_widget_from_html/flutter_widget_from_html.dart'; HtmlWidget( '<h3>Heading</h3><p>A paragraph with <strong>strong</strong>, <em>emphasized</em> and <span style="color: red">colored</span> text.</p>', ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HtmlWidget( '同上示例', cus...
import 'package:flutter_fai_webview/flutter_fai_webview.dart'; import 'package:flutter_swiper/flutter_swiper.dart'; /// 混合页面加载 /// 一般用于商品详情页面的添加 /// 如这里的上半部分是 Flutter Widget 内容 下半部分是 WebView class DefaultHexRefreshPage2 extends StatefulWidget { @override Ma...
This package is designed with simplicity in mind. Originally created to allow basic rendering of HTML content into the Flutter widget tree, this project has expanded to include support for basic styling as well! If you need something more robust and customizable, the package also provides a numbe...
支持flutter解析html 可以直接显示html对应的格式样式,转化为flutter Widget,直接使用方便快捷 - houzhenpu/flutter_html_text
import'package:flutter_html_iframe/flutter_html_iframe';Widgethtml=Html( data:myHtml, extensions:[IframeHtmlExtension(), ], ); You can set thenavigationDelegateof the webview with thenavigationDelegateproperty onIframeHtmlExtension. This allows you to block or allow the loading of certain URLs. ...
import'package:flutter/services.dart'show rootBundle;//读取文件Future<String>_getFile()async{//此html即为文件名'membership_agreement.html'returnawaitrootBundle.loadString(widget.html);}//读取html数据body:FutureBuilder<String>(future:_getFile(),builder:(context,snapshot){if(snapshot.hasData){//注意:...
A Flutter Widget Approach for using HTML tags & CSS styles in your upcoming Apps. Text Widgets *text property is required for all the text widgets. h1 ... h1( text: "This is an h1 widget", ... ) ... Dart h2 ... h2(
既然我们是使用的 flutter_html插件,为了能进一步实现我们想要的功能,首先得从插件源码进行粗略的观看了。 我们不难发现是继承自一个绘制的UI页的状态包括被渲染的内容都是始终不变的Widget 。 注意:有必要了解一下了解到了StatelessWidget和StatefullWidget的区别 ...