import React from 'react'; import externalScript from './external.js'; class MyComponent extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { externalScript(); // 调用外部JS文件中的函数或方法 } render() { return ( <div> {/* 组件的其他内容 */} </div> ); } } export default MyComponent; ...
convertStyle 把行内样式字符串转成StyleObject类型: functionconvertStyle(styleStr:string):StyleObject{conststyle={}asStyleObject;styleStr.split(';').filter(style=>style.trim()!=='').forEach(declaration=>{construles=declaration.split(':');if(rules.length>1){// 属性名constprop=hypenColonToCamel...
constReactDOMServer=require('react-dom/server');constHtmlToReact=require('html-to-react');constHtmlToReactParser=require('html-to-react').Parser;consthtmlInput='<div><h1>Title</h1><p>Paragraph</p><h1>Another title</h1></div>';consthtmlExpected='<div><h1>TITLE</h1><p>Paragraph</p>...
A lightweight library that converts raw HTML to a React DOM structure. Why? I had a scenario where an HTML template was generated by a different team, yet I wanted to leverage React for the parts I did have control over. The template basically contains something like: ...
Component to convert HTML string into React components typeHTML2ReactProps={html:string;components?:Record<string,ComponentType<Record<string,any>>|keyofJSX.IntrinsicElements>;attributes?:Record<string,string>;converters?:Record<string,(value:string,tag:string)=>any>;processTextSegment?(segment:string,...
You can also convert HTML string which contains multiple elements. This returns an array, so make sure to wrap the output inside other component such as div, or use React 16. importReactfrom'react';importhtmrfrom'htmr';consthtml=`<h1>This string</h1><p>Contains multiple html tags</p>...
HTML to React parser that works on both the server (Node.js) and the client (browser): HTMLReactParser(string[, options]) The parser converts an HTML string to one or more React elements. To replace an element with another element, check out the replace option. Example import parse fro...
创建一个名为HtmlToImage的组件: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import html2canvas from 'html2canvas'; const HtmlToImage = ({ htmlContent }) => { const canvasRef = useRef(null); const handleConvert = () => { html2canvas(canvasRef.current).then((canvas) ...
I have an output ofHTMLlike this:and so on.I would like to extract the id,name and value from this and convert them toJSONin java.Edit: My JSPN output will look like{"id": "status","name": "status html转json java html HTML ...
$('.toCanvas').after(canvas); // 显示‘转成图片’按钮 $('.toPic').show(1000); // 点击转成图片 $('.toPic').click(function (e) { // 调用Canvas2Image插件 var img = Canvas2Image.convertToImage(canvas, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); ...