convertStyle 把行内样式字符串转成StyleObject类型: functionconvertStyle(styleStr:string):StyleObject{conststyle={}asStyleObject;styleStr.split(';').filter(style=>style.trim()!=='').forEach(declaration=>{construles=declaration.split(':');if(rules.length>1){// 属性名constprop=hypenColonToCamel...
A lightweight library that converts raw HTML to a React DOM structure. Why? I had a scenario where an HTML template was generated by a different team, yet I wanted to leverage React for the parts I did have control over. The template basically contains something like: ...
constReactDOMServer=require('react-dom/server');constHtmlToReact=require('html-to-react');constHtmlToReactParser=require('html-to-react').Parser;consthtmlInput='<div><h1>Title</h1><p>Paragraph</p><h1>Another title</h1></div>';consthtmlExpected='<div><h1>TITLE</h1><p>Paragraph</p>...
Best html to react freelance services online. Outsource your html to react project and get it quickly done and delivered remotely online
Component to convert HTML string into React components typeHTML2ReactProps={html:string;components?:Record<string,ComponentType<Record<string,any>>|keyofJSX.IntrinsicElements>;attributes?:Record<string,string>;converters?:Record<string,(value:string,tag:string)=>any>;processTextSegment?(segment:string,...
You can also convert HTML string which contains multiple elements. This returns an array, so make sure to wrap the output inside other component such as div, or use React 16. importReactfrom'react';importhtmrfrom'htmr';consthtml=`<h1>This string</h1><p>Contains multiple html tags</p>...
创建一个名为HtmlToImage的组件: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import html2canvas from 'html2canvas'; const HtmlToImage = ({ htmlContent }) => { const canvasRef = useRef(null); const handleConvert = () => { html2canvas(canvasRef.current).then((canvas) ...
本方案将大致分3个阶段实施 第一部分:将传输各个节点的异常信息采集到公共平台,通过一个Web界面提供...
toCanvas toPixelData React Options filter backgroundColor width, height canvasWidth, canvasHeight style quality cacheBust includeQueryParams imagePlaceholder pixelRatio preferredFontFormat fontEmbedCSS skipAutoScale type includeStyleProperties Browsers
The ReactHTMLConverter is also able to create React components from the HTML string. To make this work all components must be registered in the converter before converting the HTML string. Just pass in the name of the component's tag and the component itself and the converter will convert tho...