GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Thanks to bplaa-yai for this feature! Heads Up html-to-pdf uses a Java process in the background. That means you will need Java installed to use it. Additionally, the Java process utilizes a library called flyingsaucer: ...
Doctron github地址: Doctron简介 Doctron是基于Docker、无状态、简单、快速、高质量的文档转换服务。目前支持将html转为pdf、图片(使用chrome(Chromium)浏览器内核,保证转换质量)。支持PDF添加水印。 在线体验 您可以打开下面的链接在线体验转换质量,由于服务器配置较低,以及网络原因...
A complete work sample for converting an HTML to PDF in Azure App service on Linux can be downloaded from GitHub. Azure App Service Linux with docker Steps to convert HTML to PDF in Azure app service using Blink with Linux docker container Step 1: Create a new ASP.NET Core application and...
pdfh5.js 基于pdf.js和jQuery,web/h5/移动端PDF预览手势缩放插件。 pdfh5博客主页 pdfh5项目GitHub地址 更新信息 2020.05.27 更新: 修复小问题 pdfh5在线预览 (建议使用谷歌浏览器F12手机模式打开预览) ...
import io.github.swagger2markup.Language; import io.github.swagger2markup.Swagger2MarkupConfig; import io.github.swagger2markup.Swagger2MarkupConverter; import io.github.swagger2markup.builder.Swagger2MarkupConfigBuilder; import io.github.swagger2markup.markup.builder.MarkupLanguage; ...
与wkHtmlToPdf相比,ChromiumHtmlToPdf是一个绝佳的替代品。虽说wkHtmlToPdf在网页转换方面曾经表现优异,但随着GitHub的归档,已不再更新,且在HTML5的兼容性上略显不足。而ChromiumHtmlToPdf则不断完善,让开发者享受到更新鲜的用户体验。 安装与使用:轻松上手 ...
取代wkHtmlToPdf 可能有些人还在使用wkHtmlToPdf这个工具,但实际上,wkHtmlToPdf的项目已在GitHub上归档,不再更新了。尽管它曾经是一个绝佳选择,但对于现代的HTML5和复杂的网页,兼容性却是一个短板。而ChromiumHtmlToPdf的出现,无疑为开发者提供了一个新选择,保障了对现代网页标准的良好支持。
From the command line, switch to the directory where dompdf will reside and run the following commands: git clone git clone php-font-libcdphp-font-lib git checkout 0.5.1cd.. git clone https://...