npm -i html-to-md 使用 consthtml2md=require('html-to-md')// or if you're using ES6importhtml2mdfrom'html-to-md'console.log(html2md('<strong><em>strong and italic</em></strong>',options,force))// ***strong and italic*** 参数(可选): options: 优先权:skipTags > emptyTags >...
npm Search Sign UpSign In Search results 3 packages found Sort by: Default Default Most downloaded this week Most downloaded this month Most dependents Recently published gulp-h2md Gulp plugin for html to md gulpplugin gulp html2md html-to-md gulp-html2md gulp-h2md ...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 分支(15) 标签(51) 管理 管理 master dependabot/npm_and_yarn/shell-quote-1.7.3 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/minimist-1.2.6
Thanks for all the great work. The repo describes showdown as "A bidirectional MD to HTML to MD converter written in Javascript ", but I can't find how to convert HTML to MD. Is this supported? I can't seem to find it in the documentatio...
npm: npm install sitdown Usage // For Nodevar{Sitdown}=require('sitdown')varsitdown=newSitdown()varmarkdown=sitdown.HTMLToMD('<h1>Hello world!</h1>') // For Browserimport{Sitdown}from'sitdown/src.esm'varsitdown=newSitdown()varmarkdown=sitdown.HTMLToMD('<h1>Hello world!</h1>'...
npminit-y 傻瓜式操作,注意命名冲突的错误。 新建index.js文件 根据上次的教程,做成命令工具,index.js开头有句话: #!/usr/bin/env node package.json的对象里新增一个属性: "bin": { "mdtohtml": "./index.js" } 现在想想思路: 我们是要在一个目录下输入命令 ...
HtmlToMarkdown安装前台处理Html转换成Markdown,使用的是一款Vue组件 turndown:点我传送首先安装依赖npm install turndown --save 或使用CDN加速<script src=""></script> 使用// For Node.js var TurndownService = require('turndown') var turndownService = ...
用第三方插件,只是md转HTML,不带样式的(重点强调 没有样式没有样式) 解决方案 一、vue需要有markdown这样良好的展示效果,什么样的插件是最好的? 货比三家,我推荐以下方式 //安装 npm install --save html-loader; npm install-- save markdown-loader; ...
用第三方插件,只是md转HTML,不带样式的(重点强调 没有样式没有样式) 解决方案 一、vue需要有markdown这样良好的展示效果,什么样的插件是最好的? 货比三家,我推荐以下方式 //安装 npm install --save html-loader; npm install-- save markdown-loader; ...
Net Core, Know how to use MVC6 & AngularJS2, how to manage client side dependencies with Node package manager (NPM). .NET Core UI using Webviews by JBildstein Write cross platform desktop applications with .Net Core by using the OS native webview. .NET Core: Interaction of Microservices...