1 1、点击左上角中的 file 菜单2、弹出了下拉菜单选中为 settings 选项3、点击左侧中的 smart keys 选项4、勾选上 convert attribute when pasting html to jsx files 选项5、点击 ok 来保存设置。
4 点击了settings选项之后,进入到了settings界面中,选中左侧中的 smart keys 选项 5 选中左侧中的 smart keys 选项之后,去掉了 convert attributes when pasting html to jsx files 选项 6 去掉了 convert attributes when pasting html to jsx files 选项之后,点击 ok来保存当前的设置。
I used this converter to convert a DIV that had tabindex = "-1" inside it: https://facebook.github.io/react/html-jsx.html The conversion gave this: tabindex = {-1} (notice that the index word is not capitalized) But then, console.log giv...
HTMLtoJSX converts HTML to JSX for use withReact. Installation npm install htmltojsx Alternatively, a web-based version is available athttp://facebook.github.io/react/html-jsx.html Usage HTMLtoJSX can be used either as a command-line application or as a Node.js module. To use the comma...
HTMLtoJSXis a component of React-Magic that converts HTML to JSX. It can be used standalone, either on the web or via Node.js. Under the covers React-Magic intercepts all navigation (link clicks and form posts) and loads the requested page via an AJAX request. React is then used to...
创建一个名为HtmlToImage的组件: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import html2canvas from 'html2canvas'; const HtmlToImage = ({ htmlContent }) => { const canvasRef = useRef(null); const handleConvert = () => { html2canvas(canvasRef.current).then((canvas) ...
convertMdToJSX这个方法就是把md文件转为nextjs可以识别的jsx格式, 代码语言:javascript 复制 `import Page from '../components/Page' const pageProps = { blog:${JSON.stringify(restBlog)}, comments:${JSON.stringify(comments)}, html: \`${handleMarkdownBody(mdContent)}\`, ...
I get the lovely writing experience, and the process converts everything for me. Here's our updated API endpoint: Copy to clipboard // pages/api/generate-email.js import fs from 'fs'; import { render } from 'mjml-react'; import { serialize } from 'next-mdx-remote/serialize'; import...
"resolved" "https://registry.cloud.hbtv.com.cn/manage/repository/npm-group/acorn-jsx/-/acorn-jsx-5.3.2.tgz" "version" "5.3.2" "acorn@^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0", "acorn@^7.1.1", "acorn@^7.4.0": "integrity" "sha512-nQyp0o1/mNdbTO1PO6kHkwSrmgZ0MT/jCCpNiwbUjGoRN...
convert-source-map "^1.5.1" debug "^2.6.9" json5 "^0.5.1" lodash "^4.17.4" minimatch "^3.0.4" path-is-absolute "^1.0.1" private "^0.1.8" slash "^1.0.0" source-map "^0.5.7" babel-generator@^6.1.0, babel-generator@^6.26.0: ...