For example, if the display object container in the previous example is named container, you can swap the position of the display objects labeled a and b by calling the following code: container.setChildIndex(container.getChildAt(1), 0); This code results in the following arrangement of ...
HTML 5 Example <metacharset="ISO-8859-1"> The UTF-8 Character Set is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127 Does not use the characters from 128 to 159 Identical to ANSI and 8859-1 from 160 to 255 Continues from the value 256 to 10 000 characters ...
space %20 %20 ! %21 %21 " %22 %22 # %23 %23 $ %24 %24 % %25 %25 & %26 %26 ' %27 %27 ( %28 %28 ) %29 %29 * %2A %2A + %2B %2B , %2C %2C - %2D %2D . %2E %2E / %2F %2F 0 %30 %30 1 %31 %31 2 %32 %32 3 %33 %33 4 %34 %34 5 %...
do { let unsafe: String = "<p><a href='' onclick='stealCookies()'>Link</a></p>" let safe: String = try SwiftSoup.clean(unsafe, Whitelist.basic())! // now: <p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Link</a></p> } catch Exception.Error(let ...
Within theinsertImage()function, replaceTODO1with the following code. This line inserts the base 64 encoded image at the end of the document. (TheParagraphobject also has aninsertInlinePictureFromBase64()method and otherinsert*methods. See the following insertHTML section for an example.) ...
Tooltips are ideal for bits of text that can be hidden to save space on the page, but are easily accessible when users need them. For example, a tooltip can appear when a user hovers over a menu item or icon to explain the purpose of the button. ...
no space must be between these elements--> <!-- Settings --> </ul><div class="setting"> <a id="btn-setting" title="Setting" href="#"> <i class="icon glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i> </a> </div><div class="setting-container"> <label> <input type="checkbox" id=...
The next example is similar to the previous example except it shows how to HTML-encode a value from within a class that is not in the code-behind file. C# publicclassSampleClass{publicstringGetEncodedText(){returnHttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode("<script>unsafe</script>"); } } ...
For example:const player = new Plyr('#player', { /* options */ });You can also access the object through any events:element.addEventListener('ready', (event) => { const player = event.detail.plyr; });MethodsExample method use:
<a href="" style="color: red;">Anchor text</a> In this code, we use “style” to add color. You can change the color using: Color keywords (like red) HEX codes RGB and RGBA values HSL values If you want to remove the hyperlink’s underline, you can use...