Screen-readers and other assistive technology provide shortcuts to let their users skip to the next or previous paragraph, letting them skim content like how white space lets visual users skip around. Using empty <p> elements to add space between paragraphs is problematic for people who navigate...
1.2<html>标签 定义整个HTML文档的根元素,所有的HTML元素必须包含在<html>标签内。 lang属性指定网页的语言,便于搜索引擎优化和辅助技术的使用,如lang="en"表示英语,lang="zh"表示中文。 1.3<head>标签 包含页面的元数据(metadata),不会显示在网页上,但对页面的呈现和搜索引擎优化至关重要。 常见的元素包括: <m...
Note: Use the <br> tag to enter line breaks, not to add space between paragraphs.Browser SupportElement <br> Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGlobal AttributesThe <br> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML.Event AttributesThe <br> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML....
或者,可以用 CSS white-space:pre属性和值复制的效果,在可以使用另一个元素更好地描述相关内容的情况下,这可能是一个更可行的选择。例如,在标记计算机代码的情况下,code元素和white-space CSS 属性可以用来保存格式,并在格式可能丢失的情况下传达内容的含义(例如,如果它被屏幕阅读软件读取)。 报价文本:批量报价 blo...
Paragraphs determine line spacing. Italics Createitalicstext just like in a word processor. Bold Boldtext emphasizes keywords. Anchor The anchor tag is most commonly used to create links in combination with thehrefattribute. Unordered List Unnumbered lists of bullet points use the Unordered List tag...
Also notice how the <br> tag simply causes text to start a new line, and the browser, when encountering the <p> tag, typically inserts some vertical space between adjacent paragraphs. [<p>, 4.1.2] The clear attribute Normally, the <br> tag tells the browser to stop the current flow ...
Any time you’re employing blocks of text that are separate from each other, the <p> line break may be used to insert HTML space characters as it adds a bit additional whitespace to the following paragraphs. An example of text with additional line space is seen below. ...
The CSSpaddingproperty defines a padding (space) between the text and the border. Example Use of CSS border and padding properties: p{ border:2px solid powderblue; padding:30px; } Try it Yourself » CSS Margin The CSSmarginproperty defines a margin (space) outside the border. ... Paragraphs 3.2.6 Global attributes The title attribute The lang and xml:lang attributes The translate attribute The dir attribute The style attribute Embedding custom non-visible data with the data-* attributes 3.2.7 The innerText and ...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; } table { border-spacing: 15px; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Border Spacing</h2> <p>The space between the cells is specified by border spacing in the HTML</p> <table style="...