So, this is the issue: When the page loads, it jumps to the iframe in which the Captivate content is embeded. The page has a lot of content at the beggining of the page so it jumps for few pages. That's what I meant when I was talking about scrolling pag...
插件 // easing:, // //是否使用css3 transform来实现滚动效果// css3: false, // //滚动到最顶部后是否连续滚动到底部...","page2","page3"], // //是否锁定锚链接 // lockAnchors: true, // //定义section页面的滚动方式,需要引入jquery.easings...插件 // easing:, // //是否使用css3 ...
<!-- page specific plugin styles --> <!-- text fonts --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/" /> <!-- ace styles --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/ace.min.css" class="ace-main-stylesheet" id="main-ace-style" /> ...
A collection of classes for CE that do not use ATL or MFC, plus an FTP client, database viewer, and sample application that solves beam deflection equations. A cool'n'simple search page using Google AJAX Search API, and some DHTML by Ken Egozi An article on creating a cool Ajax-powered...
In iOS 13, the component vux-ui pulldown may hang during a scrolling operation in the HTML5 container. How to view all JSAPIs and plug-ins registered by the current application? How to obtain UIViewController and Webview objects of current HTML5 page in a JSAPI or plug-in? How to ob...
There is also a hidden image (backImage) used as source for not yet loaded cards.To build the layout of the page, a style sheet (full.css) is applied. Style sheets are a mechanism used to change the tags styles (in HTML, a style defines the entire display options for a tag):...
<portal> Enables the embedding of another HTML page into the current one to enable smoother navigation into new pages. <source> Specifies multiple media resources for the picture, the audio element, or the video element. It is a void element, meaning that it has no content and does not hav...
The box includes a scroll bar for scrolling through any remaining items in the list. The h:selectManyCheckbox tag renders a group of check boxes, with each check box representing one value that can be selected: <h:selectManyCheckbox id="newslettercheckbox" layout="pageDirection" value="#{...
(via theTHEAD,TFOOTandTBODYelements). User agents may exploit the head/body/foot division to support scrolling of body sections independently of the head and foot sections. When we print the long HTML tables, the head and foot information is usually displayed on each page containing the table....
The <iframe> HTML element represents a nested browsing context, embedding another HTML page into the current one.