并非总是我们用标签打开一个新标签,在某些情况下,你必须通过执行javascript的window.open()来打开它,如下所示: functionopenInNewTab(){ // 一些代码 window.open('https://malicious-domain.netlify.com');} <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTab()">访问恶意网站!</span> 这里没有提及noopener,因此这导...
并非总是我们用标签打开一个新标签,在某些情况下,你必须通过执行javascript的window.open()来打开它,如下所示: functionopenInNewTab() {// 一些代码window.open('https://malicious-domain.netlify.com'); } <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTab()">访问恶意网站!</span> 这里没有提及noopener,因此这导...
并非总是我们用标签打开一个新标签,在某些情况下,你必须通过执行javascript的window.open()来打开它,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 functionopenInNewTab(){// 一些代码 window.open('https://www.qmblog.cn');} 代码语言:javascript 复制 <spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTab()">访问恶意网站!</...
并非总是我们用标签打开一个新标签,在某些情况下,你必须通过执行javascript的window.open()来打开它,如下所示: function openInNewTab() {// 一些代码window.open('https://malicious-domain.netlify.com'); } <span class="link" onclick="openInNewTab()">访问恶意网站!</span> 这里没有提及noopener,因此...
<spanclass="link"onclick="openInNewTabWithoutOpener()">访问恶意网站!</span> 1. 我们已经通过 window.open() 打开了一个虚拟标签,该标签打开了 about:blank,因此这意味着它尚未重定向到恶意网站。 然后,我们将新标签的 opener 值修改为 null。
表单提交代码 1、源代码分析 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-...
Add logo image in mail footer using c# Add Multiple link buttons in a cell dynamically add multiple listbox value to add another list box Add onClick event to Label control add onClientClick from code behind to image button add pagebreak in pdf file Add programmatically built table to Panel ...
If it works, you can add the link to the href attribute. 3. Opening Links in New Windows/Tabs You can choose whether your links open in the same window or a new tab with the target attribute. For the same window, use the target=”_self” attribute value like this: ...
Adding an actual link element underneath will still keep the regular left-click behavior, but also let you right-click to open a new tab (or middle-click in some browsers). This also helps with accessibility compliance - it is considered bad-practice for clickable webpage elements to not ...
Theaelement can also take other optional attributes. For example, adding the attributetarget=“_blank”makes the link open in a new tab or window. Codpen:https://codepen.io/hubspot/pen/ZENaoYW Attributes can be written in any order inside the opening tag. However, you shouldn’t put mult...