我的HTML 元素“按钮”上的“onclick”属性有问题。我想每当单击此按钮时就启动 JS 脚本。我使用了一些 JS 脚本来获取输入值,并且我的按钮用于重新生成输入值。我用来创建输入值的第一个 JS 脚本是:function makerandomstring(length) { let result = ''; const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefg...
1<!DOCTYPE html>2<html>3<title></title>4<body>5<divid="myDiv">6Right click or Ctrl+click me to get a custom context menu.7Click anywhere esle to get the default context menu.8</div>9<ulid="myMenu"style="postion: absolute; visibility: hidden; background: silver;">10<li>11<ahr...
var self = $(".onoffswitch-label").index($(this)); $("#Weight"+self).attr("disabled",!document.getElementById("element"+self).checked); }) 1. 2. 3. 4. 这样只有一个点击了。 还有一种方法是使用each: $(".onoffswitch-label").each(function(i){ $(this).on('click',function(){ ...
$(menuConfig.treeMenuId + " .MenuName").on("click", function() { var $arrow = $(this).find(".TreeArrowDown"); var $menuBox = $(this).next(); var $menuItem = $(this).parent(); $menuBox.slideToggle(); $arrow.toggleClass("rotate"); ...
Alternatively, click Configure in the Got it tooltip. In the Reload behavior area, from the Reload page in browser and Reload page in built-in preview lists, select the actions that will trigger automatic reload of pages in web browsers and in the built-in preview. By default, On Save is...
Alternatively, click Configure in the Got it tooltip. In the Reload behavior area, from the Reload page in browser and Reload page in built-in preview lists, select the actions that will trigger automatic reload of pages in web browsers and in the built-in preview. By default, On Save is...
使用onclick跳转到其他页面/跳转到指定url ☆如果是本页显示可以直接用location,方法如下: ①onclick="javascript:window.location.href='URL'" ②onclick="location='URL'" ③onclick="window.location.href='URL?id=11'" ☆如果页面中有frame可以将在location前面添加top.mainframe.frames['right_frame'].locat...
方法一:在XML文件中指定 单击事件函数 <Button android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_...