de (German), it (Italian), nl (Dutch), el (Greek), es (Spanish), pt (Portuguese), ar (Arabic), he (Hebrew), ru (Russian), zh (Chinese), ja (Japanese), hi (Hindi), ur (Urdu), and sa (Sanskrit).
Hindi hi LANG_HINDI 0x39 Hungarian hu LANG_HUNGARIAN 0x0e Ibibio (no constant defined) 0x69 Icelandic is LANG_ICELANDIC 0x0f Igbo (no constant defined) 0x70 Indonesian id, in* LANG_INDONESIAN 0x21 Interlingua ia Interlingue ie Inuktitut iu (no constant defined) 0x5d Inupiak ik Iri...
Set default attribute for audio Considering the another scenario, where we are going to use the default attribute with the track element of the audio. Open Compiler <!DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><head><title>HTML 'default' attribute</title><style>audio{border:5px solid black;border-radius:10...
“嗯by1137rentiyishuwang?谈生意的?6,xxtv56”胖子的表情果然让那个保安头子有点摸不清来路色客,言语间顿时客气💖了很多sexbo,programmed for pleasure,“不知道几位老板是从哪里来的?soe和我们老板有没有预约呢a·v?”“预约?qq,com,saolang6,top你是不是港岛片子看多了啊?www,kukuzhecom”听到那个保安...
<option value={{lang_ele.lang}}>{{value}}</option> {% endifequal %} {% endfor %} {% endifequal %} {% endfor %} 输出的 html 源代码如下所示: <option value=de>German</option> <option value=el>Greek</option> <option value=hi>Hindi</option> ...
<htmlxmlns=""lang="en"xml:lang="en"> ... </html> ISO 639-1 Language Codes ISO 639-1 defines abbreviations for languages: See also:Reference for Country Codes. LanguageISO Code Abkhazianab Afaraa Afrikaansaf ...
在网页源码中<html>根节点一般会有一个lang属性,如: <html lang="en"> 您应该始终在标记内包含该属性,以声明网页的语言。这是为了帮助搜索引擎和浏览器识别网页的内容的。比如上面的代码,搜索引擎和浏览器就默认认为网页是英文的。当然现代搜索引擎和浏览器不会只靠这个属性来判断网页内容的。因此该属性也可以省略...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> svg { borger: 1px solid black; } </style> </head> </body> <svg width="200" height="200"> <circle cx="150" cy="100" r="70" style="fil:red; stroke:green; stroke-width:3"/> </svg> </body> </html> This brings us ...
The HTML lang attribute declares the language of a web page or only a part of a web page. It is used to help search engines and browsers.W3C suggests to declare the primary language for every web page with the lang attribute inside the <html> tag. ...
by Lang Deng A simple slide show using AJAX in ASP.NET. An ASP.NET/AJAX Interface for Utorrent by matts_junk An ASP.NET/AJAX interface for the utorrent application. An ATL control for hosting and customization of multiple instances of WebBrowser control for VB by mehrcpp An article on ...