创建两个div的盒子,属于的嵌套关系,外层类名叫 bar,里层类名叫 bar_in 给外层的bar 这个盒子设置边框,宽高,圆角边框 给里层的bar_in 设置 初试的宽度,背景颜色,过渡效果 给外层的 bar 添加 hover事件,当触发了hover事件 让里层的bar_in 来进行宽度的变化 代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <head> ... <...
function search() { var wPopupElements=wPopup.document.all; if (wPopupElements.textcase.checked) {iFlag=4;} else {iFlag=0;} if (wPopupElements.searchtext.value==null || wPopupElements.searchtext.value=='') { wPopup.alert("请输入你要查找的文字"); return; } if (rng.findText(wPopup...
The JavaScript Toolbar (navbar) provides an interface for selecting a command from a collection of commands with templating and much more.
<script type="text/javascript">functiontxtSearch() {//遍历移除b标签,防止第二次搜索bug$(".changestyle").each(function() {varxx=$(this).html(); $(this).replaceWith(xx); });//整个客户信息divvarstr=$("#divMain").html();//文本输入框vartxt=$("#txtSearch").val();//不为空if($....
JavaScript 使 HTML 页面具有更强的动态和交互性。HTML 脚本标签 <script> 用于定义客户端脚本。<noscript> 标签定义了不支持脚本浏览器输出的文本,对于那些在浏览器中禁用脚本或者其浏览器不支持客户端脚本的用户来说,该元素非常有用。 <script> 标签定义客户端脚本,比如 JavaScript。<script> 元素既可包含脚本语句...
<picture> <source srcset="foo.png" media="(min-width: 1000px)"> <img src="bar.png"> </picture> source 元素(Source) 为audio 元素,video 元素,picture 元素定义资源。 重要的属性: src: 定义资源位置 srcset: 定义同一个媒体的不同资源,浏览器将选择最佳的来使用 ...
Visit the JavaScript Style Guide. Use Lower Case File Names Some web servers (Apache, Unix) are case sensitive about file names: "london.jpg" cannot be accessed as "London.jpg". Other web servers (Microsoft, IIS) are not case sensitive: "london.jpg" can be accessed as "London.jpg". ...
Remember, the canvas tag is only a container for graphics; you must use JavaScript to actually draw and render graphics on it. First, I grab a reference to the canvas using the “myCanvas” ID, and then get the canvas’s context which provides methods/properties for drawing and manipulating...
href="javascript:void(0);" class="j_curtain_link"> <img onerror="__reloadResource(this)" class="j_curtain_pic"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wx_bar_guide_area_1 anim-show j_curtain_pingou" style="display: none; "> <div class="wx_pop_bnr_box_1"> <div ...
Tip: To learn all about JavaScript, visit our JavaScript Tutorial.The HTML <base> ElementThe <base> element specifies the base URL and/or target for all relative URLs in a page.The <base> tag must have either an href or a target attribute present, or both.There can only be one single...