Here are HTML interview questions and answers for freshers as well as experienced candidates to get their dream job. Free PDF Download: HTML Interview Questions 1) What is HTML? HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language and is the language of the World Wide Web. It is the standard text f...
Let's see a list of top HTML5 interview questions and answers. 29) What is the canvas element in HTML5? The <canvas> element is a container that is used to draw graphics on the web page using scripting language like JavaScript. It allows for dynamic and scriptable rendering of 2D shapes...
(1)仪器①的名称是 ;仪器②的名称是 (2)若用排空气法收集O 2 ,收集气体应该选用的仪器有(填字母序号) ,装入药品前必须进行的一步操作是 ;氧气也可以用排水法收集,是因为氧气 。 (3)应选用的发生装置是 ,用所给药品制取氧气所发生反应的符号表达式: ;MnO 2 是不溶于水的固...
20 Ajax Interview Questions and Answers Ajax interview questions and answers for freshers/beginners and experienced. Our advanced Ajax interview questions are very useful for experienced Ajax professionals. We have Ajax interview questions answers in pdf format, one can easily download it. ...