使用input和div代替select控件,通过对input注册聚焦失焦事件控制div的显示隐藏来完成select下拉的模拟,div的内容根据input输入的关键字实时获取数据库相关的信息,点击div的内容将完整的信息填入input中,即完成select的模拟 2.前端效果实现 (1)创建一个input,样式position属性设置为relative,紧跟后面创建一个div,样式position...
onfocus -> 键盘输入 -> onkeydown -> onkeypress -> onkeyup -> oninput -> 失去焦点 -> onchange -> onblur 如下,奉上代码; function handleFocus (event) { console.log(‘onfocus事件’,’value=’+event.target.value,’keyCode=’+event.keyCode); }; function handleKeyDown (event) { console.l...
❮ Previous All HTML Attributes Next ❯ Definition and UsageThe onfocus attribute fires the moment that the element gets focus.Onfocus is most often used with <input>, <select>, and <a>.Tip: The onfocus attribute is the opposite of the onblur attribute....
[contenteditable]:focus{outline: none;} 如果input失去焦点时,有进行内容check,当内容不符合时,焦点回退.此时,input到input与input到select的顺序不一致. 第一步:为了更好的比较,准备两个一模一样的EditText(当Activity启动时,焦点会在第一个EditText上,如果你不希望这样只需要写一个高度和宽带为0的EditText即可...
// Note that the connection string may vary depending on your // database server settings. string ConnectString = "server=localhost;database=pubs;integrated security=SSPI"; string QueryString = "select * from authors"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectString); SqlDataAdap...
// Note that the connection string may vary depending on your // database server settings. string ConnectString = "server=localhost;database=pubs;integrated security=SSPI"; string QueryString = "select * from authors"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectString); SqlDataAdapter ...
标签:input type=checkbox 标签说明:创建复选框控件。 标签:input type=file 标签说明:创建文件上载控件,该控件带有一个文本框和一个浏览按钮。 标签:input type=hidden 标签说明:传输关于客户/服务器交互的状态信息。 标签:input type=image 标签说明:创建一个图像控件,该控件单击后将导致表单立即被提交。 标签:in...
Replaces a range of text in the input element with new text. setSelectionRange() Selects a range of text in the input element (but does not focus it). showPicker() Shows a browser picker for date, time, color, and files. stepDown() Decrements the value by (step * n), where n ...
document.querySelector('#footPrintFloor .floor-title img.opa1'); img.src = (window.mIndexFootPrintSeat && window.mIndexFootPrintSeat[0] || {}).titlePic; img.onerror = __reloadResource(this); img.onload = function () { img.style.opacity = 1; };</script> <script type="text/html...
标签:input type=password 标签说明:创建与 INPUT type=text 控件类似的单行文本输入控件,不过其中并不显示用户输入的内容。 标签:input type=radio 标签说明:创建单选钮控件。 标签:input type=reset 标签说明:创建一个按钮,该按钮单击后将重置表单控件为其默认值。 标签:input type=submit 标签说明:创建一个按钮,...