It specifies the path (URL) to the image. It tells the browser where to look for the image. For example, <img src="tictactoe.png" > Browser Output In the above example, the src attribute tells the browser to load the image from the same directory where the webpage is located. ...
<a href="">发送邮件</a> 图片(Image) 图片标签<img>用于在网页中嵌入一张图片,基本语法如下: <img src="image_url" alt="替代文本"> src属性指定图片的URL。 alt属性提供图片的替代文本,如果出于某种原因图片无法显示,将显示该文本。 示例 <img src="
<meta name="twitter:description" content="预览描述"> <meta property="twitter:image:width" content="图片宽度"> <meta property="twitter:image:height" content="图片高度"> <meta name="twitter:image" content="预览图片的URL"> <meta name="twitter:url" content="链接的URL"> </head> 下面我们做...
插入图片:<img src="./图像URL"> 已插入图片的副属性/标识:<alt="…"> ##运行后 当图片消失即文字显示 插入图片后当鼠标光标移到图片是即显示文字内容:<title="…"> 给图片添加外边框:<border="4px"> #表示边框的粗细为4个像素 长度属性:<width=“400/75%px”> #可数字也可百分比 高度属性:<height...
<imgsrc="url"alt="alternatetext"> The src Attribute The requiredsrcattribute specifies the path (URL) to the image. Note:When a web page loads, it is the browser, at that moment, that gets the image from a web server and inserts it into the page. Therefore, make sure that the image...
图片(Image) 图片标签<img>用于在网页中嵌入一张图片,基本语法如下: <img src="image_url" alt="替代文本"> src属性指定图片的URL。 alt属性提供图片的替代文本,如果出于某种原因图片无法显示,将显示该文本。 示例 <img src="" alt="示例图片"> ...
HTMLImageURL(java.lang.String ImageFile, java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String sTitle) Method Summary voidrender( out) voidsetClickHandler(java.lang.String handler) Sets the JavaScript code to be invoked when the user clicks the left mouse button on the image. ...
sizessizesSpecifies image sizes for different page layouts srcURLSpecifies the path to the image srcsetURL-listSpecifies a list of image files to use in different situations usemap#mapnameSpecifies an image as a client-side image map widthpixelsSpecifies the width of an image ...
Set the a uniquenameof the image. Parameters: name- The name. setSrc public void setSrc(java.lang.String source) Sets the absolute or relative URL to reference the image. Parameters: source- The source. setVSpace public void setVSpace(int vspace) ...
<p>An image:<imgsrc="smiley.gif"alt="Smiley face"width="32"height="32"></p> 排列(align) <h4>Image with default alignment (align="bottom"):</h4><p>This is some text.<imgsrc="smiley.gif"alt="Smiley face"width="32"height="32">This is some text.</p><h4>Image with align="...