object-position: right 20px bottom 10px; 3.object-fit的适用性 object-position和object-fit只针对替换元素有作用; 替换元素:其内容不受CSS视觉格式化模型(中文释义参见这里)控制的元素,比如image, 嵌入的文档(iframe之类)或者applet。比如,img元素的内容通常会被其src属性指定的图像替换掉。替换元素通常有其固有的...
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/149950304&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true"></iframe> </div> <div class="blog-list-co...
Return the fontFamily property: object.style.fontFamily Set the fontFamily property: object.style.fontFamily= "font1, font2, etc.|initial|inherit" Property Values ValueDescription font1, font2, etc.A comma-separated list of font-family names and/or generic-family names ...
function iFrameHeight() { var ifm = document.getElementById("external-frame"); if (ifm) { if (ifm && !window.opera) { if (ifm.contentDocument && ifm.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight) { ifm.height = ifm.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight; } else if (ifm.Document && ifm.Documen...
Set the minWidth property: object.style.minWidth= "length|%|initial|inherit" Property Values ValueDescription lengthDefines the minimum width in length units. Default is 0 %Defines the minimum width in % of the parent element initialSets this property to its default value.Read aboutinitial ...
Fit print preview to viewer size (html) 1 Answer6066 Views Chris asked on23 Mar 2013,12:20 AM rpt.png 0 Chris answered on23 Mar 2013,01:20 AM rpt-85pc.png Hi, I have made some progress by fiddling with the html content of the report viewer iFrame to work out if a cross browser...
If set to -1 or false or null to turn off. default: 0 {Number|String|Boolean} hideToolbar : The toolbar is rendered hidden. default: false {Boolean} fullScreenOffset: Top offset value of "full Screen". Set to 0, '0px', '50px'... default: 0 {Number|String} iframe : Content ...
data-start-time- optional; time at which you want the audio to start playing (in seconds) data-steno-iframe-id- optional; id of an iframe in which users will be typing with steno-mode enabled (see next item). data-steno-mode- optional; "true" to allow keyboard shortcuts for controllin...
The string must be the name of a browsing context (that is, a tab, window, or <iframe>. A value specified here overrides any target given by the target attribute on the <form> that owns this input. In addition to the actual names of tabs, windows, or inline frames, there are a ...
Displaying a PDF in an IFrame Displaying a System.Drawing.Image on web page displaying an image based on a byte[] without turning it into a img file first Displaying Count in c#.net and Oracle Displaying data in marquee from database by using asp.net c# displaying JSON in html page Displ...