Currency Symbols SymbolHTML CodeHTML EntityUnicodeCSS CodeHex CodeDescription $$$U+00024\0024$Dollar Sign ¢ U+000A2\00A2 Cent Sign £ U+000A3\00A3 Pound Sign €€€U+020AC\20AC€Euro Sign ¥ U+000A5\00A5 Yen Sign
HEX Color Values In HTML, a color can be specified using a hexadecimal value in the form: #rrggbb Where rr (red), gg (green) and bb (blue) are hexadecimal values between 00 and ff (same as decimal 0-255). For example, #ff0000 is displayed as red, because red is set to its hig...
Easily find HTML color codes for your website using our color picker, color chart and HTML color names with Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values.
Easily find HTML symbols, entities, characters and codes with ASCII, HEX, CSS and Unicode values for HTML arrow, ASCII arrow, and more in grid or table format.
HexColor16 provides complete information about any color: hex color codes, color spaces (RGB, CMYK, HSL and others), color schemes, combinations and alternatives, code samples…
600FF3 300SWITCH TODECIMAL RGB COLOR CODES 99C C00CC9 900FFC C33FFC C66FF9 966FF6 633CC3 300CC0 033 CCF F00CCF F33333 300666 600999 900CCC C00FFF F00CC9 933CC6 633330 000660 000990 000CC0 000FF0 000FF3 366FF0 033 99F F00CCF ...
常规字符集(regular ascii codes) Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符 解释 0000 0000 0 00 NUL (null) 空字符 0000 0001 1 01 SOH (start of handing) 标题开始 0000 0010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始 0000 0011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束 ...
HTML color codes and color palettes. Lighten and darken to find the perfect color. Save palletes to see what works together. Generate CSS and HTML codes.
HTML color names rule. Modern browsers support 140 HTML color names which we've listed here along with their Hex color codes and RGB values.
HTML Color Values ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Named Colors Sorted by HEX Value #000000 Black Color Mixer Color Picker #000080 Navy Color Mixer Color Picker #00008B DarkBlue Color Mixer Color Picker #0000CD MediumBlue Color Mixer Color Picker