The new HTML head (h:head) and body (h:body) tags add HTML type page structure to JavaServer Faces web pages.The h:head tag represents the head element of a HTML page The h:body tag represents the body element of a HTML page ...
10.2.2 Adding HTML Head and Body Tags The HTML head (h:head) and body (h:body) tags add HTML page structure to JavaServer Faces web pages. The h:head tag represents the head element of an HTML page. The h:body tag represents the body element of an HTML page. The following is an...
HTML 头标签(HTML Head Tags)介绍 HTML 头标签(HTML Head Tags) · Title(标题)- 这是最重要的页面关键字元素,页面标题最好使用关键字/短语作为第一个词(或短语)。在我们的相关研究中,下面的图显示: 很明显,如果在页面标题中关键字/短语越靠前,则得到最靠前的排名,而靠后的位置相关地则得到靠后的排名。
</head><body><h1>Hello world!</h1> <p><a href="">Visit!</a></p> </body> Try it Yourself » Example Set the color of text in a document (with CSS): <html><head><style>body { color: green;}</style> </head><body><h1>Hello wor...
HTML<head>元素与<body>元素不同,它的内容不会在浏览器中显示,它的作用是保存页面的一些元数据。上述示例的 head 元素非常简短: <head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>我的测试页面</title></head> 然而,大型页面的 head 会包含很多元数据。可以用开发者工具查看网页的 head 信息。本节并不打算面面俱到地讲...
<a href="tags/tag_base.asp">HTML base Tag</a> </body></html> Try it Yourself » Example The <style> tag (adds style information to a page) goes inside <head>: <html><head> <style> h1 {color:red;} p {color:blue;} </style></head><body><h1>A heading</h1><p>A ...
The HTML head tag is the container for metadata. It’s located between the HTML<html>tag and Body<body>tags. This is the location you put all of your meta tags in HTML to define the title, styles, crips, and other information. This area of the page is not displayed in the web brow...
Like the head and body are inside an <html> tag? A: A: Yes, HTML tags are often “nested” like that. If you think about it, it’s natural for an HTML page to have a body, which contains a paragraph, and so on. So many HTML elements have other HTML elements between their ...
温馨提示: HTML<head>元素与<body>元素不同,它的内容不会在浏览器中显示,它的作用是保存页面的一些元数据。 温馨提示:如果在文档中忽略了<head>标签,则大部分浏览器会自动创建一个<head>元素。 Q:head 头部元素里有什么? 答: 在页面加载完成的时候,head 标签里的内容,是不会在页面中显示出来的。
3、<head> Defines information about the document. 4、<title> Defines the title of the document. 5、<body> Defines the body of the document. 6、<br> Define newlines. 7、<h1> - <h6> Define the HTML title. 8、<p> Define paragraphs. ...