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The browser understands that it can find emoji.html in the same directory and completes the full URL for you. That way, you don’t need to worry about changing any absolute paths when you decide to deploy your web project at some point. So far, emoji.html doesn’t exist. To fix this...
There’s no question, HTML5 is a hot topic for developers. If you need a crash course to quickly understand the fundamentals of HTML5’s functionality, you’re in the right place.I’ll cover the new semantic markup, canvas for drawing and animation, audio and video support, and how to...
There’s no question, HTML5 is a hot topic for developers. If you need a crash course to quickly understand the fundamentals of HTML5’s functionality, you’re in the right place.I’ll cover the new semantic markup, canvas for drawing and animation, audio and video support, and how to...
full image of Windows dies 4 times a year, running a full Windows image is slow and you have to beg for updates because the releases are not co-ordinated and announced well at all - thus its a NO-GO 4.) IE Super Preview - Last I checked this did not allow full testing ...
This is one of the best hosting companies around with afull range of plansfor whatever kind of hosting you need. Bluehost The first host to beofficially recommended by WordPress. But they are a good host for any website. iPage One of the most affordable hosting companies around. If you ...
Full-stack is another buzzword that no one agrees on the definition. You can understand Full-stack web development as a sum of frontend, backend, testing, and including some other technologies. I believe now you have a big picture of web development. How the Web Works By now you should ha...
<div class="plyr__video-embed" id="player"> <iframe src="" allowfullscreen allowtransparency allow="autoplay" ></iframe> </div>...
The full Modernizr script is a bit bulky. It’s intended for testing purposes while you’re still working on your website. Once you’ve finished development and you’re ready to go live, you can create a slimmed-down version of the Modernizr script that tests only for the features you ...
Full House Monster Black Helmet as always on the sex hunt, but this time in the poker-maze. Find and collect cards from the maze floor to make good poker combination, and receive enough money to get to the princess room. But beware of the hungry monster! Moving Billiard-3 The billiar...