在上述示例中,$("form").submit()函数用于捕获表单提交事件。然后,使用serialize()函数将表单数据序列化为字符串,并通过AJAX发送到send_email.php文件。最后,将服务器返回的结果显示在页面上的某个元素中(例如<div id="result"></div>)。 总结: 通过以上步骤,我们可以实现提交HTML表单并通过电子邮件发送...
<form action="邮件服务器脚本URL" method="POST"> <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="请输入您的邮件地址" required> <!-- 其他表单内容 --> <button type="submit">提交</button> </form> 在服务器端编写相应的脚本来处理表单数据并发送邮件。这里假设使用PHP来处理...
lname=Request.Form ("lname") email=Request.Form ("email") phone=Request.Form ("phone") country=Request.Form ("country") city=Request.Form ("city") message=Request.Form ("message")' 下面就是调用从表单页获取的信息,赋值到mess,&是连接符,vbcrlf表示换行回车: mess = mess & "---Webmail表...
Remember:While you can use just basic HTML, this isn’t the ideal option. This form doesn’t directly send to email addresses but rather opens an email client or tool window to submit the form. This can spook the user out of submitting the form at all. ...
the user's email address realname the real name of the user Add some hidden fields to your form to tell FormMail what to do with the form results (see below). Typically, you'd specify recipients, subject, and required, as a minimum. Once your form is working, you'd probably add go...
演示网站 https://sfpyy.gitee.io/html_email 进入这个网站注册服务(免费的)https://dashboard.emailjs.com/ 注意修改代码的这些部分 1.复制这里的 粘贴到这里 2.复制这里的 粘贴到这里 ok啦有不明白的地方可以点击我的主页,然后找到关于我们,给我发邮件求助,记得留下自己的邮箱哦(不然没办法回信)作者主页:...
<inputtype="hidden"name="email"value="[[prefill with email]]"> But that’s not particularly secure. Anyone digging around could see how you are posting that data and submit bogus posts with real email addresses. Not good. It’s probably better to post the form with secret codes that ide...
1<form>2How would you like to receive more information about our company?<br>3<inputtype="radio"name="contactMe"value="email">eamil<br>4<inputtype="radio"name="contactMe"value="phone">phone<br>5<inputtype="radio"name="contactMe"value="fax">fax<br>6<inputtype="radio"name="contact...
formData=newFormData(formElement); formData.append("serialnumber", serialNumber++); oReq.send(formData); <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fileinfo"> <label>Your email address:</label> <input type="email" autocomplete="on" autofocus name="userid" placeholder="email"...