HTML - <sup> SuperscriptSuperscripted text can be placed onto your website using the <sup> tag. You may id these tags for use with Cascading Style Sheets.Advertise on HTML Code: <p>This text is <sup>superscripted!</sup></p> ...
Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW[1]:Example <p>This is <sup>superscripted</sup> text.</p> Try it Yourself » Exercise? Two of the following HTML elements makes the text bold, which two? <em> and <b> <strong> and <b> <big> and <b> <mark> and <b>...
<sup> Superscript Text Another typographical presentation style These tags must be opened and closed around the text in question. Let’s try it out. On a new line in the HTML editor, type the following HTML code: <p>Welcome to <em>my</em> brand new website. This site will be my <...
DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>HTML DOM superscript Object</title></head><bodystyle="text-align:center"><h1style="color:green;">GeeksForGeeks</h1><h2>DOM superscript Object</h2><p>A<supid="sup_scr">computer science</sup>portal for geeks.</p><buttononclick="Geeks()">Click Here</...
<strong>Defines important text <sub>Defines subscripted text <sup>Defines superscripted text <template>Defines a container for content that should be hidden when the page loads <time>Defines a specific time (or datetime) <tt>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. ...
The <sup> HTML element specifies inline text which is to be displayed as superscript for solely typographical reasons. Superscripts are usually rendered with a raised baseline using smaller text.
Thistextcontains subsubscript/sub br/ Thistextcontains supsuperscript/sup /body /html 显示效果为: Thistextisbold bbold 黑体的 Thistextisstrong Strong 用于强调文本(粗体显示),比em标签更猛点 Thistextisbig Thistextisemphasized em emphasized的缩写,[emf?saizid],强调、着重 Thistextisitalic i italic的...
And you can also apply CSS and do absolutely the same, especially since you can customize the text and make it superscripted or subscripted as you want by using pixels. ( positive value for superscript, negative value for subscript ) Look: <style> <!— for superscripted text —> p{ vert...
sup:定义上标字,superscript ins:定义插入字,自带下划线效果,insert del:定义删除字,delete u:定义下划线,underline <p><b>这里是b标签</b></p> <p><u>这里是u标签</u></p> <p><i>这里是i标签</i></p> <p><big>这里是big标签</big></p> ...
This text containssuperscript 这是 预格式文本。 它保留了 空格 和换行。 pre 标签很适合显示计算机代码: for i = 1 to 10 print i next i Computer code Keyboard input Teletype text Sample text Computer variable 注释:这些标签常用于显示计算机/编程代码。