采用渐进增强的设计思路,针对支持HTML5新特性比较好的现代浏览器,使用HTML5中的新特性,包括File对象,XMLHttpRequest中的upload对象,File对象等新增的功能实现较为高级的多图片无刷新能够检测上传进度的上传控件.而对于不支持HTML5特性的较老的浏览器则使用传统的隐藏iFrame的形式来实现伪装的多图片上传功能. 优缺点分析:...
progressBar.value = 0; } else { alert('上传失败'); } } }; xhr.open('POST', 'upload.php', true); xhr.send(fileInput.files[0]); } function downloadFile() { var progressBar = document.getElementById('download-bar'); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener("progress", fu...
<div id="progress"><div id="bar"></div></div> </body> <script> // 负责ajax发送数据 function up(fd) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST','upfile.php',true); // 异步传输 // xhr.upload 这是html5新增的api,储存了上传过程中的信息 xhr.upload.onprogress = function...
<progressid="uploadProgress"value="0"max="100"></progress> 1. 然后,在handleFileSelect函数中的文件选择事件监听器的代码后面添加以下代码,以模拟文件上传过程: // 模拟文件上传进度varprogressBar=document.getElementById('uploadProgress');varprogress=0;varintervalId=setInterval(function(){progress+=10;pr...
formData.append('image', file, file.name); // 将图片文件添加进表单数据 // 创建一个 XMLHttpRequest 对象 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 监听上传进度 xhr.upload.onprogress = function(event) { const percent = (event.loaded / event.total) * 100; ...
functionhandleFileSelect(event){constfile=event.target.files[0];constxhr=newXMLHttpRequest();// 上传文件xhr.open('POST','/upload',true);// 监听进度事件xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress',handleProgress,false);// 其他操作} 1. 2.
Information on the file that has been selected such as File Name File Size Mime Type A Progress bar with percent complete The upload speed or upload bandwidth The approximate time remaining The bytes uploaded thus far A response from the server side (the organge box) Item #6 abo...
Html Progress bar Upload direct to Amazon S3 storage. Error message with popup Queue Files Instant Uploads Flat list of uploaded files with no preview. Option for iframe-based uploads. Free Download DemoDownload 3. HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery ...
下载的 progress 事件属于 XMLHttpRequest 对象 上传的 progress 事件属于 XMLHttpRequest.upload 对象 当上传或者下载时,会频繁调用该方法。该方法接受一个事件参数event,其中event.total是需要传输的总字节,event.loaded是已经传输的字节。如果event.lengthComputable 不为真,则event.total等于0。
Multiple file upload: Allows to select multiple files at once and upload them simultaneously. Drag & Drop support: Allows to upload files by dragging them from your desktop or file manager and dropping them on your browser window. Upload progress bar: ...