我经常使用 Visual Studio Code,但从昨天开始,我所有的设备上都显示:You don’t have an extension for debugging HTML。 尝试几次后,我删除了 VSCode 并重新安装了它。它工作正常,但是一旦我关闭 VSCode 并重新打开它,错误就会继续显示。 我注意到当我关闭它时,会出现一个很小的更新框。我已经重新安装了几次,...
This solution got it working for me too. It's crazy that the extension doesn't check and warn you about this! –johey Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 8:49 9 @johey At least, I would expect to find this information in the description of the vscode extension...I just figured it out...
Thanks for sharing! Loading... Paul Mountney Permalink to comment# June 7, 2021 I use VSCode all the time, and I’ve already got most of these installed and I love them when I’m coding. But I do have a question for you, if you don’t mind. Is it actually possible to get VSC...
└── package.json // extension's manifest 这里总共有3个文件:插件logo,代码片段,配置文件。要做的事情就是编写一下配置文件: {"name":"dwt","displayName":"Dynamic Web TWAIN","description":"Dynamic Web TWAIN is a browser-based document scanning SDK specifically designed for web applications. Wit...
我也积累了一些经验。我认为新的vscode的html支持应该是被重构了,并使用vscode.extension api来赋予html...
UnoCSS version 0.57.6 Describe the bug Hi all, VS-Code autocomplete does not work unless file-association is set to 'html'. There have been a few similar reports, (#2974, Discord#unocss) and the issue still persists, so I just wanted to ...
vscode编写html,常用快捷方式与插件 一、tab键补全 1.1打开vscode新建html文件,在第一行输入!,然后按下tab键,会直接出现编写html语言的基本框架标签 效果如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">...
vscode-linthtml: an extension for the VSCode IDE gulp-linthtml: a gulp interface for LintHTML 🚧 Coming soon: linthtml-loader: LintHTML loader for webpack broccoli-linthtml: Integrates HTML linting with LintHTML as part of your Broccoli build pipeline ...
Error while installing SAP Fiori tools - Extension Pack extension. Please check the log for more details. 如果因为网络原因导致在线安装失败,也可以手动下载扩展并安装。 打开这个链接: 点击右侧的 Download Extension,会将该扩展以 .vsix 的格式下载到本地。