functiontoPng(node,options){returndraw(node,options).then(function(canvas){returncanvas.toDataURL();});} toPng方法会调用draw方法,然后返回一个canvas,最后通过canvas的toDataURL方法获取到图片的base64格式的data:URL,我们就可以直接下载为图片。 看一下draw方法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 functiondraw(domNode,...
🖥️ An easy-to-use but reliable asynchronous library to create highly customizable PDFs from HTML or URL as buffer, base64 string and .pdf file using puppeteer. htmlpdfnpmnodeconverthtml2pdfhtml-pdf UpdatedSep 28, 2023 JavaScript Load more… ...
ckeditor/ckeditor5-html-embed on GitHub Issue tracker ChangelogEvery day, we work hard to keep our documentation complete. Have you spotted outdated information? Is something missing? Please report it via our issue tracker. With the release of version 42.0.0, we have rewritten much of our ...
在JavaScript 中使用影像可能比較困難,但 Office.js 允許將影像操作為 base64 編碼字串。 影像可以插入文件的本文、段落或範圍中。 這些物件都有一個inlinePictures集合,可讓開發人員寫入。 Office.js 可讓您透過像lockAspectRatio,height, 和width等屬性,操作影在文件中的顯示方式。
context.document.body.insertInlinePictureFromBase64(base64Image, "End"); 插入HTML開啟檔案 ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html。 找出insert-image 按鈕的 <button> 元素,然後在該行之後新增下列標記: HTML 複製 <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-html">Insert HTML</button><br/><br/> 開啟./src/...
font_formats: //显示的自定义字体 以 xx = xx 形式显示 "宋体=SimSun;微软雅黑=Microsoft Yahei;华文黑体=STHeiti;华文楷体=STKaiti;华文仿宋=华文仿宋;思源黑体=Source Han Sans CN;思源宋体=Source Han Serif SC;华文细黑=STXihei;黑体=SimHei;方正粗圆简体=方正粗圆简体;Andale Mono=andale mono,times;",...
Embed web fonts find all the@font-facedeclarations that might represent web fonts parse file URLs, download corresponding files base64-encode and inline content as dataURLs concatenate all the processed CSS rules and put them into one<style>element, then attach it to the clone ...
<a style="font-family: '黑体'">黑体</a> <a style="font-family: '楷体'">楷体</a> <a style="font-family: '隶书'">隶书</a> <a style="font-family: '幼圆'">幼圆</a> <a style="font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei'">Microsoft YaHei</a> ...
Embed web fonts find all the@font-facedeclarations that might represent web fonts parse file URLs, download corresponding files base64-encode and inline content as dataURLs concatenate all the processed CSS rules and put them into one<style>element, then attach it to the clone ...
通过使用@font-face规则和Base64编码,将字体文件嵌入到HTML文件中,以确保转换工具能够正确识别和显示字体样式。 检查转换工具的字体支持:如果问题仍然存在,可以检查转换工具的文档或支持页面,了解其对字体样式的支持情况。有些工具可能需要额外配置或安装字体文件才能正确显示字体样式。 总结起来,解决HTML转PDF字体-face不...