Because it takes time to load main.js file, and it is loaded async. Therefore by the time main.js finish loading, all the html have been parsed, so "DOMContentLoaded" happend before our listener code get chance to run. Also when using "async" and js files get loaded, then browser will...
Answer: Nope. Because it takes time to load main.js file, and it is loaded async. Therefore by the time main.js finish loading, all the html have been parsed, so "DOMContentLoaded" happend before our listener code get chance to run. Also when using "async" and js files get loaded, t...
alert("Browser has loaded the current frame"); }</script></center></body></html> 输出: 支持的浏览器:下面列出了HTML DOM onloadeddata Event支持的浏览器: 谷歌浏览器 IE浏览器 Firefox 苹果Safari Opera Vijay SirraHTML | DOM onloadeddata Event...
// DOMContentLoaded事件结束后才加载图片(加载图片之前先执行DOMContentLoaded绑定的回调函数)<script>functionready() {alert('DOM is ready');// image is not yet loaded (unless it was cached), so the size is 0x0alert(`Image size:${img.offsetWidth}x${img.offsetHeight}`); }document.addEventListener...
上一节: HTML audio/video DOM error事件 下一节: HTML audio/video DOM loadedmetadata事件 HTML audio/video DOM loadeddata事件 loadeddata事件定义和用法 加载当前帧的数据时会发生loadeddata事件,但没有足够的数据来播放指定音频/视频的下一帧。 在音频/视频的加载过程中,会按以下顺序发生以下事件: loadstart ...
HTML 音频/视频 DOM loadeddata 事件 HTML 音频/视频 DOM 参考手册 实例 提示当前帧的数据是可用的: myVid=document.getElementById('video1');myVid.onloadeddata=alert('Browser has loaded the current frame'); 尝试一下 » 定义和..
HTML 音频/视频 DOM 参考手册 实例 提示视频的时长已改变: myVid=document.getElementById("video1"); myVid.ondurationchange=alert("The video duration has changed"); 尝试一下 » 定义和用法 当指定音频/视频的时长数据发生变化时,会发生 durationchange 事件。
HTML 音频/视频 DOM loadeddata 事件 HTML 音频/视频 DOM 参考手册 实例 提示当前帧的数据是可用的: myVid=document.getElementById('video1');myVid.onloadeddata=alert('Browser has loaded the current frame'); 尝试一下 » 定义和..
loadAn object has loadedUiEvent,Event loadeddataMedia data is loadedEvent loadedmetadataMeta data (like dimensions and duration) are loadedEvent loadstartThe browser starts looking for the specified mediaProgressEvent messageA message is received through the event sourceEvent ...
// DOM interactive -> DOM Loadeddocument.addEventListener("readystatechange", function(event){ if(document.readyState == "interactive") console.log("DOM interactive");},false);document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event){ console.log("DOM Loaded");},false);当readyState值...