4、我们需要在<body>标签中添加一个oncontextmenu属性,将其值设置为我们刚刚编写的函数,这样,当用户尝试使用右键点击时,我们的函数就会被调用。 以下是具体的代码示例: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>禁止右键点击</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function disableRightClick(event) { event....
<script language="javascript"> function disableRightClick(e) { var message = "右键禁用..."; if(!document.rightClickDisabled) // initialize { if(document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown = disableRightClick; } else document.oncontextmenu = disableRightClick;...
disableContextMenu Boolean true Disable right click menu on video to help as very primitive obfuscation to prevent downloads of content. hideControls Boolean true Hide video controls automatically after 2s of no mouse or focus movement, on control element blur (tab out), on playback start or en...
<body oncontextmenu=self.event.returnValue=false> 第二种:让鼠标右键失效,但同时不能用鼠标选取页面上的内容 跟上面第一种差不多,同时“编辑->全选”也没有作用。代码如下:<body oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false" onbeforecopy="return false" oncopy...
Right-click an image in the editor and select Edit Path to External Editor from the context menu. You can also press CtrlShift0A and type Edit Path to External Editor. In the Path to External Editor dialog, specify the path to the application in which you want to open images and click ...
Right-click an image in the editor and select Edit Path to External Editor from the context menu. You can also press CtrlShift0A and type Edit Path to External Editor. In the Path to External Editor dialog, specify the path to the application in which you want to open images and click ...
Disable Right click or context menu on iframe Disable Scrolling Disable submit button after clicked Disable the "Enter" as Submit behavior? Disable the page refresh on asp.net if user press enter button while focus any texbox in the form Disable the site mobile master disable/grey out a ...
Disables context menu when right-clicking in the file explorer. "MinifyAll.disableFileExplorerContextMenu":true|false //default 'false' (by default, it is shown) Minify on save (Default command, which will minify your actual code) "MinifyAll.minifyOnSave":true|false //default 'false' (by ...
center"><button id="rewardButton" disable="enable" onclick='var qr=document.getElementById("QR");"none"===qr.style.display?qr.style.display="block":qr.style.display="none"'><span>打赏</span></button><div>如果文章对您有帮助,就请站长...
这节博客我们将使用 HTML、CSS和 JavaScript 制作纸牌记忆游戏。 让我们开始吧! 在线演示戳这里👉https://haiyong.site/moyu/zhipaijiyi.html完整源码我已经放在GitHub上了,欢迎来取,顺带给个星星吧👇https://github.com/wanghao221/moyu 知识点 animation-duration 属性 ...