A zero-JavaScript navigation menu for Tailwind CSS2021-09-15 Seeking a non-JS nav menu for use with Tailwind? So was I. Here’s the resulting code. Beginner’s luck #5: suspended starters2021-09-11 That’s a wrap on further development of my SSG starter sets. ...
It's not perfect, and it is rather cumbersome and will be a ton of, but it works. It's better than hosting on the school's general website because I don't have access to it and I will always have to beg people to do things for me. So, the thing I did was under "site pages...
"styles.css",+"node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css"], "scripts": [+"node_modules/prismjs/prism.js",+"node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-csharp.min.js", # c-sharp language syntax+"node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-css.min.js" # css language syntax] Line Numbers plugin...
DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>Trust Fund</title><style>body{margin:4rem; }#formContainer{margin-bottom:20px; }label{display: block;margin-top:10px; }input,textarea{width:600px;padding:10px;margin-top:5px;border:1pxsolid#ccc;border-radius:4px; }button{margin:10px;padding:8px16px;back...
Includejquery.signaturepad.css,flashcanvas.js,jquery.js,jquery.signaturepad.js,json2.jsin your HTML file Create the HTML,following the example $('.sigPad').signaturePad(); Remember thatmost things are configurable Complete Documentation Accepting a Signature ...
https://MYSCHOOL.sharepoint.com/sites/Testing123/Web%20Pages/scmaster.css So far so good. Then, for the link to the next page in the tutorial, instead of 002printref.html I put the long file path in like this: https://MYSCHOOL.sharepoint.com/sites/Testing123/Web%20Pages/002printref...
CSSfrida-boot - Frida Boot 👢- A binary instrumentation workshop, with Frida, for beginners! nodejsscan - nodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications. banruo - nemo - ip,domain,资产收集平台 Reaper - 一款用于src资产信息收集的工具 pekja - SRC情报收集管理系统 ...