When the browser encounters an HTML comment (<!–…–>), it treats the content inside it as plain text and ignores any code or script tags within it. The browser will not execute, either implement JavaScript code inside an HTML comment. Here’s an example to illustrate this: <!-- <scr...
Example An HTML comment: <!--This is a comment. Comments are not displayed in the browser--> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers. ...
Example<!-- Here is a comment. The browser will not display this text. -->Attributes None. Preview<!-- The level 4 heading goes here --> <h4>How to comment out your code</h4> <!-- The text goes here --> <p>This article demonstrates the HTML code to hide your comments.</p...
The <table> tag creates an HTML table. A table is a tabular display of data, arranged in rows and columns. Tables are highly configurable with captions, headers, footers, column and row spans, and more.Example #A <table> with two columns, a styled heading, and three data rows....
The <section> tag is part of a group of semantic tags that help with creating the layout of web pages. This group is referred to as the Layout tag group. Together, they allow you to create comprehensive page layouts.An example layout and a list of layout tags below....
<!-- There is a comment here that you can't see --> Comments used in language code blocks will match the language. You can use the CTRL+/ shortcut. For example, in JavaScript or PHP you will get // using that shortcut, or /* */ in CSS, # in bash files, and <!-- --> ...
The HTML <article> tag is used to create an 'article' element. The 'article' element represents content that is independent from the other content in the document, in that its contents could stand alone, for example in syndication.More specifically, the HTML5 specification states that the '...
I would like to comment, that when selecting a scanning tool, we have to pay attention on how it analyzes the results and if it is accurate enough or not. However, we should keep in mind that testing manually should not be forgotten. This way we can be sure what exact inputs are tri...
Below are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the HTML marquee tag for different scrolling effects: Example 1: Basic Horizontal Scrolling Text This text will scroll from right to left Example 2: Vertical Scrolling Text This text will scroll from bottom to top ...
Example <!DOCTYPEhtml> <html> <title>Page Title</title> <body> <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </body> </html> Try it Yourself » However, we recommend using the<head>tag. Close Empty HTML Elements?