Code licensed MIT, docs CC BY 3.0. Currently v5.3.3. Links Home Docs Examples Icons Themes Blog Swag Store Guides Getting started Starter template Webpack Parcel Vite Projects Bootstrap 5 Bootstrap 4 Icons RFS Examples repo Community Issues Discussions Corporate sponsors Open Collective Stack ...
Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Topics electron nodejs javascript css html c-plus-plus chrome v8 works-with-codespaces Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security policy Activity Custom prop...
iceCode是一款简约风格的代码高亮js插件,应该算是我们国内首款js高亮插件吧,纯原生JavaScript开发,体型十分娇小,无任何依赖,只需一个js文件,目前该插件已经内置HTML XML CSS JS PHP Python JAVA SQL GO C++ C# C等常用编程语言高亮,简约的唯美设计,简洁、极速! 大家都知道SyntaxHighlighter、Google Code Prettify、Hig...
Code of conduct MIT license Emogrifier n. e•mog•ri•fi•er [\ē-'mä-grƏ-,fī-Ər] - a utility for changing completely the nature or appearance of HTML email, esp. in a particularly fantastic or bizarre manner Emogrifier converts CSS styles into inline style attributes in...
授权协议:MIT 开发语言:JavaScript、HTML/CSS 操作系统:跨平台 源码地址: MDUI 是一个轻量级的 Material Design 前端框架,对照着 Material Design 文档进行开发,争取 1:1 实现 Material Design 中的组件。 多主题支持:MDUI 拥有 19 种主色、 16 种强调色、和一种夜间主题。只需...
HTML5 & CSS3:We use only modern web technologies, such as HTML5 and CSS3. Our theme includes some subtle CSS3 animations, which will help you attract attention. Clean Code:We followed Bootstrap’s guidelines carefully to make your integration as easy as possible. All code is handwritten an...
Electron(最初名为Atom Shell)是GitHub开发的一个开源框架。它允许使用Node.js(作为后端)和Chromium(作为前端)完成桌面GUI应用程序的开发。Electron现已被多个开源Web应用程序用于前端与后端的开发,著名项目包括GitHub的Atom和微软的Visual Studio Code。 Electron可以用于构建具有HTML、CSS、JavaScript的跨平台桌面应用程序,...
{returnrun.font&&monospaceFonts.indexOf(run.font.toLowerCase())!==-1;});if(isMatch){return{...paragraph,styleId:"code",styleName:"Code",};}else{returnparagraph;}}varoptions={transformDocument:mammoth.transforms.paragraph(transformParagraph),styleMap:["p[style-name='Code'] => pre:... Homepage Weekly Downloads 1,199,093 Version 1.8.0 License MIT Unpacked Size 27.9 kB Total Files 19 Issues 3 Pull Requests 10 Last publish 2 months ago Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
DHTMLX JavaScript libraries are pure JavaScript client-side components. By embedding the DHTMLX JavaScript code you avoid any third-party dependencies, as our code becomes an integral part of your application. Thus, all your data is safe, as you don’t have to send it to any external service...