有序列表 ordered list 自定义表 definition list 1. 无序列表 (Unordered List) 与例子、名称、组件、想法或选项的列表相关的都可以用做无序列表。无序列表显示前列表有符号,可以使用样式表(CSS)更改符号样式或更改成图片。 ul 无序列表元素 li 列表项 代码示例: <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0...
HTML 的列表控件分为三类: 无序列表:unordered List 有序列表:ordered List 自定义列表:definition List 1.无序列表 与例子、名称、组件、想法或选项的列表相关的都可以用作无序列表,无序列表显示前列表有符号,可以使用样式表(css)更改符号样式或更改成图片。 ul无序列表元素 li 列表项 2.有序列表 有序列表用...
无序列表(Unordered List) 无序列表使用 <ul> 标签来创建,而列表中的每一项则使用 <li> 标签来定义。这种列表的特点是,其中的项目并没有特定的顺序,它们通常以项目符号(比如小黑点)来标记。 下面是一个简单的无序列表示例代码: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <titl...
无序列表 ul(Unordered list) <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ul> 有序列表 ol(Ordered list) 常用属性: start: 制定第一个元素的序号 reversed: 布尔属性,倒序显示 type: 列表标记样式(1,a,A,I) <ol start="3" type="a"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ol> ...
Bold & Italic:Supports bold and italic—even within single words. List:Handles ordered and unordered lists with full nesting support. Blockquote:Blockquotes can include other elements, with seamless support for nested quotes. Inline Code & Code Block:Correctly handles backticks and multi-line code...
Common block-level elements include<p>,<h1>to<h6>(page headings),<table>,<ul>(unordered list),<ol>(ordered list), and<div>. Here’s an example of three block-level elements on a page, with colored backgrounds to show how they fill up ...
This code is supported in most current browsers, and any HTML5 element not supported defaults to a <div> element. For example, if the <header> element isn’t supported, the browser would substitute a <div>, like so: XMLCopy <header><!-- header --><ahref="/"><imgsrc="images/logo...
"title" attributes globallyp.AllowStandardAttributes()// Permits the "img" element and its standard attributesp.AllowImages()// Permits ordered and unordered lists, and also definition listsp.AllowLists()// Permits HTML tables and all applicable elements and non-styling attributesp.AllowTables() ...
<ul>Defines an unordered list <ol>Defines an ordered list <li>Defines a list item <dl>Defines a description list <dt>Defines a term in a description list <dd>Describes the term in a description list Track your progress - it's free!
<track> Defines text tracks for media elements (<video> and <audio>) <tt> Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.Defines teletype text <u> Defines some text that is unarticulated and styled differently from normal text <ul> Defines an unordered list <var> Defines a variable <video> Def...