I think there are very few circumstances where you would need to add the body value but for the sake of completeness here's what the email code would look like.Please email me at <a href="mailto:YourName@YourSite.com?subject=I love TextFixer.com&body=I learned to create email link ...
Html中mailto标签是一个非常实用的贴近用户体验的标签,大多情况下人们都在这样使用 example@phplamp.com 这样,当我们点击了example@phplamp.com链接后浏览器会为我们自动选择本地的默认邮件软件,并将mailto标签后example@phplamp.com邮件地址放到邮件软件的发送地址中,少去了我们发送邮件时输入发送地址的烦扰,同时也可以...
Upper message contains html-code, impossible to view here correct. Now I have replaced "<>" by "[]" as work arround to view the code: [a href="mailto:x@x.com?subject=subject%20A&body=body%20A"][b style="background-color: #37f603;"]choice A/b/a [b style="background-color...
You can use a landing page URL as explained above. This is called an HTTP list-unsubscribe header. Another option is to give your ESP an email address. This is called a mailto unsubscribe header. When someone clicks the link, it will send an email to the address you give. You will the...
The code will generate this link:Send mail with subjectPressing the above link will open a new mail window:Mail to email address with cc, bcc, subject and body<a href="mailto:name1@rapidtables.com?cc=name2@rapidtables.com&bcc=name3@rapidtables.com&subject=The%20subject%20of%20the%20...
本文的作者:<a href="mailto:lilian@imooc.com">lilian</a> </address> 在浏览器上显示的样式为斜体,如果不喜欢斜体,当然可以,可以在后面的课程中使用 css 样式来修改它<address>标签的默认样式。 九,<code>标签,加入代码 在介绍语言技术的网站中,避免不了在网页中显示一些计算机专业的编程代码,当代码为一行代...
for(String s : arr){ sb.append(s); } </code> </pre> <!--bdo:表示文本方向,dir="ltr" 从左往右 dir="rtl" 从右往左--> <bdo dir="ltr">1234567</bdo> <!--kbd:表示需要用户用键盘输入的内容。浏览器显示为等宽字体--> 请输入“<kbd>Esc</kbd>”退出系统。
Media queries for screen sizes Mailto links Character conversions Let’s dig into each of these. What’s a good HTML background generator? Colored backgrounds make your emails pop in a sea of boring black-and-white plaintext emails. But there’s a catch: They’re not easy to code. After...
1...简单的链接 效果:给我发邮件 代码:给我发邮件 这样会调启系统默认的邮件程序发送给...复杂的链接 效果:给我发邮件 代码: <a href="Mailto:ghsau@163.com?...BCC:密件抄送地址; Subject:主题; Body:邮件内容。 ...注:多个邮件地址用";"隔开。 3.7K00 ...
-- 示例2.使用CSS样式更改标签 --> <style> a[href^='mailto']::before { content: '📧 '; } a[href^='tel']::before { content: '📞 '; } </style> <address> <a href="mailto:master@weiyigeek.top">master@weiyigeek.top</a><br> <a href="tel:+18888888888">(86) 18888888888</...