html backgound color codes, css color codes, hexadecimal color codes, rgb color codes and color names.
Hex code byte values range from 00, which is the lowest intensity of a color, to FF which represents the highest intensity. The color white, for example, is made by mixing each of the three primary colors at their full intensity, resulting in the Hex color code of #FFFFFF. ...
Hex code byte values range from 00, which is the lowest intensity of a color, to FF which represents the highest intensity. The color white, for example, is made by mixing each of the three primary colors at their full intensity, resulting in the Hex color code of #FFFFFF. ...
Use our handy list of Minecraft color codes and format codes to style your chat and game commands, and modify in-game text, team, and even armor color!
Free color picker to choose any hex color you desire. Also, free color code chart containing the 216 web safe colors. These are hexadecimal values of colors that will look good in all browsers and platforms.
#selectedcolor { border:1px solid #e3e3e3; width:80%; height:300px; margin:auto; } #divpreview { border:1px solid #e3e3e3; width:80px; height:20px; margin:auto; visibility:hidden; } .colorTable, #colorhexDIV, #c..
Color NameHEXColor AliceBlue#F0F8FF AntiqueWhite#FAEBD7 Aqua#00FFFF Aquamarine#7FFFD4 Azure#F0FFFF Beige#F5F5DC Bisque#FFE4C4 Black#000000 BlanchedAlmond#FFEBCD Blue#0000FF BlueViolet#8A2BE2 Brown#A52A2A BurlyWood#DEB887 CadetBlue#5F9EA0 ...
Color nameCode Red #FF0000 GREEN #00FF00 BLUE #0000FFAn example based on HTML colors (color codes)<html> <head> <title>HTML Color code example</title> </head> <body> <h1>An example based on HTML colors (color codes)</h1> <div style="height:50px;width:300px;background-color:#...
Color Theory Color NameColor CodeColor NameColor Code Red#FF0000White#FFFFFF Cyan#00FFFFSilver#C0C0C0 Blue#0000FFGray#808080 DarkBlue#0000A0Black#000000 LightBlue#ADD8E6Orange#FFA500 Purple#800080Brown#A52A2A Yellow#FFFF00Maroon#800000 Lime#00FF00Green#008000 ...
CSS code examples <style> p { color:orangered; } </style> <style> p { color:#FF4500; } </style> <style> p { color:rgb(255 69 0); } </style> <style> p { color:hsl(16.24deg 100.00% 50.00%); } </style> All CSS and HTML color and color code questions. ...