Enable theEmbedbutton to let your website users embed the Charts, Graphs and Data tables you created on their own website easily. This unique feature is not available in any other plugin. iChart utilizesGoogle‘s Chart.js library to create beautiful,responsive,animated, HTML5 charts and graphs...
HTML5 charts and graphs – using Flotr2 Oct 13, 2012 — by admin in demos Function: sin sin(1/x) Visual mode: #1 #2 #3 Back to original tutorial on Script Tutorials ←Previous: Nice CSS3 Lightbox Gallery With jQuery Next: ‘Fashion’ single page layout→Script Tutorials Designed ...
HTML5/JavaScript Sparkline Charts are used for visualizing data in a small space. They support line, area, column, win-loss, and pie types.
Safari HTML5 Canvas Guide: Creating Charts and GraphsBar graphs are similar to data plots, but each sample is graphed as a rectangle scaled to the hei
这个报告总体分为两部分:Dashboard和Charts。 先看一下Dashboard中都有什么? Test and Report informations:测试和报告信息: 测试结果保存文件/测试开始时间/测试结束时间/展示过滤器。 APDEX(Application Performance Index):应用程序性能满意度的标准,范围在 0-1之间,1表示达到所有用户均满意,可以在配置文件设置。
3.2、Charts(图表) 分为:Over Time(随着时间的推移)、Throughput(吞吐量)、Response Times(响应时间) (1)Over Time Response Times Over Time:随时间变化的响应时间 Response Time Percentiles Over Time (successful responses):响应时间百分比随时间变化(仅限成功响应) ...
3.2、Charts(图表) 3.3、Customs Graphs(定制图表) 1、前言 使用Jmeter 进行性能压测时,跑完全部 Jmeter 压测脚本后,接下来最主要的工作就是性能结果分析了。 示例: 创建Demo 文件目录,并在该目录下创建 test_demo.jmx 压测脚本(业务全流程)。 设置线程数为10,循环次数为10,执行压测脚本。
Jmeter5.0后测试报告分为三部分,Dashboard、Charts和Customs Graphs,Jmeter5.0以下版本没有第三项的。下面分开讲解。 4.1Dashboard(概览仪表盘) ①、Test and Report informations Test and Report informations:测试和报告信息: 测试结果保存文件/测试开始时间/测试结束时间/展示过滤器。
1.jChartFX: Professional Charts and Graphs with Visualization jChartFX是一系列JavaScript库,为专业的或商用的数据可视化以及分析提供最完善的图表库。 2.AdminJS: Backend Administration Framework AdminJS是一款为建立管理页面所开发的框架,有了它,我们就能管理某网站或者某应用的数据库。这个框架是后端不可知的,它自...
Canvas has great features for graphical data presentation with an imagery of graphs and charts. HTML Canvas Can be AnimatedCanvas objects can move. Everything is possible: from simple bouncing balls to complex animations.HTML Canvas Can be Interactive...