},//Clear the canvasclearCanvas:function() {this.canvas.width =this.canvas.width;this._resetCanvas(); },//Get the content of the canvas as a base64 data URLgetDataURL:function() {returnthis.canvas.toDataURL(); }, reLoadData:function() {this.$canvas.remove();this._data =this.$element...
...awaitgetBase64Image()awaithtml2canvas((document.body.querySelector('div#canvas-print')asHTMLDivElement).querySelector('.content'), { backgroundColor:'#ffffff', useCORS:true, scale:3, scrollX:0, scrollY:0}).then((canvas: any) =>{constPDF =newJsPDF('p','mm','a4')constctx =...
一款酷炫的前端动态页面 废话不多说 ,分享一款酷炫的页面动态背景 效果见下图。 查看 Five-great的博客背景图效果: 实例效果 点击效果: 背景css *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } #canvas{ position: fixed; bac…
-- FinalBoard2--><divclass="hour_box"ref="oneHourImageDom"><divclass="current1"><divclass="current_title">每小时支付情况<span>(单位:万)</span></div></div><OneHourChartref="oneHourChartData"/></div><script>import html2canvas from "html2canvas"; import OneHourChart from './OneHo...
background, this.x, this.y); // Draw another image at the top edge of the first image this.context.drawImage(imageRepository.background, this.x, this.y - this.canvasHeight); // If the image scrolled off the screen, reset if (this.y >= this.canvasHeight) this.y = 0; }; } ...
酷炫一款动态背景(HTML +js canvas) 一款酷炫的前端动态页面 废话不多说 ,分享一款酷炫的页面动态背景 效果见下图。 查看demo 背景图效果: 实例效果 点击效果: 背景css *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } #canvas{ position: fixed; background: #ccc; overflow: auto; z-index: -1; } 背景html <canvas ...
onrendered: function (canvas) { exportCanvasAsPNG(canvas, 'invoice.png') }, useCORS: true, //(图片跨域相关) allowTaint: false, //允许跨域(图片跨域相关) x: 0, y: window.pageYOffset, windowWidth: document.body.scrollWidth, windowHeight: document.body.scrolHeight, ...
The canvas element that renders on screen is not accessible to screen readers because the content is not in the DOM and has no accessibility semantics. Either internal fallback content or ARIA semantics must be used to create an text alternative accessible to screen readers. ARIA as alt text...
I have object(chair) in .png file and I am changing its color on browser from jquery by changing background color and it is working fine. My question is now I am trying to save this change colored chair image by using html2canvas js library, but it saves image without ...
varcanvas=document.createElement('canvas');canvas.height=1334;canvas.width=750;canvas.style.width=750+"px";canvas.style.height=1334+"px"; 2.创建 context 对象 varctx=canvas.getContext('2d'); 3.生成一张图片_img1 varimg=newImage();img.crossOrigin='Anonymous';img.src=$('#backGroundImg')....