Because I've found that some idiot browsers act like there's an invisible one-pixel-wide border around images, making images fractionally wider than what we've specified. Example side-by-side image gallery from my trip to Gunnison, Colorado © 2014 Ellen Brundige Making the Images Into Click...
PropertyDescriptionException border The border object describes the border surrounding imageEdit object. numericEdit PropertyDescriptionException border The border object describes the border surrounding an object. none object Property Description Exception className Determines the name of the clas...
Modernizr.load first tests the Boolean property “Modernizr.borderradius” to see if it is supported. Then, nope defines the resources to load if test is false. Since IE8 doesn’t support the CSS3 property “borderradius”, it will load the jquery.corner.js script. Finally, the callback ...
DropImageType ErrorBlinkStyle ErrorIconAlignment ErrorProvider FeatureSupport FileDialog FileDialogCustomPlace FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection FixedPanel FlatButtonAppearance FlatStyle FlowDirection FlowLayoutPanel FlowLayoutSettings FolderBrowserDialog FontDialog Form Form.ControlCollection FormBorderStyle FormClosedEventArgs...
For Expression Web 4 SP1, setting the HTML5 schema under Tools | Page Options offers the same IntelliSense, and the tool also provides CSS3 IntelliSense for several draft CSS3 modules like border-radius, box-shadow, transform and the like. ...
<img src="yourimage.jpg" alt="Describe the image" height="X" width="X"> Let’s try it out. Create Your Own Image With An Alt Text Don’t be afraid to play around with the test code – it’s a great way to have fun while learning. ...
<styletype="text/css">.target{-moz-border-radius:20px;-webkit-border-radius:20px;border-radius:20px; }</style> A big upside to feature detection is that it also works with browsers that you weren’t even thinking about when creating your page, and even with future versions of browsers...
border–Draws a border around the main panel under the tabs, when set to true. (Boolean) renderTabsAsSelect–Renders tabs as a Select drop-down rather than tabs, when set to true. This is useful when a form contains many tabs that would cause the browser to scroll horizontally. Do not...
{cart.items}" border="1" var="item"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="#{bundle.ItemQuantity}" /> </f:facet> <h:inputText id="quantity" size="4" value="#{item.quantity}" title="#{bundle.ItemQuantity}"> <f:validateLongRange minimum="1"/> <f:value...