在HTML中,要使文本加粗,可以通过CSS的fontweight属性来实现。具体方法如下:使用CSS类:定义一个CSS类,如.boldtext,并在该类中设置fontweight: bold;。在HTML元素中引用该类,例如<p class="boldtext">这是加粗文本</p>。使用内联样式:直接在HTML元素的style属性中设置fontweight属性,例如<p ...
<b>Defines bold text <base>Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document <basefont>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document <bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different dir...
code 语义:Code(源代码(文本)) pre 语义:Preformatted(预定义格式(文本)) blockquote 语义:Block Quotation(区块引用语) cite 语义:Citation(引用) q 语义:Quotation(引用语) strong 语义:Strong(加重(文本)) em 语义:Emphasized(加重(文本)) b 语义:Bold(粗体(文本)) i 语义:Italic(斜体(文本)) big 语义:...
<body>This is normal.<b>This is bold.</b><i><b>This is bold italic.</b>This is italic.</i></body> 如下所示: 这是正常的。这是粗体。这是粗体斜体。这是斜体。 当用户将上述 HTML 文本加载到基于 MSHTML 的应用程序(MSHTML(akaTrident)是 Internet Explorer 的引擎时,MSHTML 将处理复制 HTML...
<b>Defines bold text <bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it <bdo>Overrides the current text direction <big>Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines big text
text/css” href=”./styles.css”>–> <style type=“text/css”> #text1 { color: blue; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; font-size: x-large; line-height: 50px; } #text2 { font: 23px/46px Microsoft YaHei; } </style> </head> <body> <div id=“text1”> 离离原上草...
要控制文本的格式,除了可以设置标签的style属性,指定样式,还可以直接通过标签来执行样式,这些标签可以称之为 属性标签。 比如,要控制字体为粗体,可以用样式:style="font-weight:bold",也可以用标签b,比如:<b>粗体</b> (1)改变字体样式的标签 <!DOCTYPE HTML> ...
<body>This is normal.<b>This is bold.</b><i><b>This is bold italic.</b>This is italic.</i></body> 如下所示: 这是正常的。这是粗体。这是粗体斜体。这是斜体。 当用户将上述 HTML 文本加载到基于 MSHTML 的应用程序(MSHTML(akaTrident)是 Internet Explorer 的引擎时,MSHTML 将处理复制 HTML...
Drag & Drop Website Builder, No Code Required Over 100 Widgets, for Every Purpose Professional Design Features for Pixel Perfect Design From $4.92 Best Practices for Bolding Text Effectively Knowing how to use bold text is one thing, but using it strategically to enhance your website is...
font = 'bold 14px 微软雅黑'; context.fillText(font+'',fontX,fontY); } } function drawHand(rotate,width,height){ context.save(); rotate = rotate*Math.PI/180; // 转换为弧度制 context.rotate(rotate); context.fillRect(-10,0,width,height); context.restore(); } function setTime(){ ...