HTML5 jQuery Audio Playeris one of the best free HTML5 audio player plugin for WordPress. With this good-looking music player, you can add a single audio track or a full playlist to your WordPress site using a shortcode. If you needed you can customise the colours of the player, and al...
Accessible Audio Player (AAP) AAP是一个完全跨浏览器的媒体播放器。它使用HTML5编写。 OIPlayer jQuery plugin OIPlayer jQuery plugin是兼容JavaScript和Flash的HTML5音频和视频播放器。 OIPlayer“attaches”,它遇到的所有的视频/或音频标签。插件本身除了一般的配置,还使用了单独控制的标签属性,宽度控制,自...
AudiPlay - A Free HTML5 Audio Player audio-playershadehtml5-audio-playersh20rajsopplayerjavascript-audio-player UpdatedMar 24, 2024 JavaScript mattbartley/AB-Audio-Player Star13 Code Issues Pull requests HTML, CSS, JS only A/B audio player. Toggle and compare two versions of the same audio...
Add an HTML music player to enhance your site. Cincopa offers free, easy and secured audio HTML based player with a huge template selection, multiple features and more.
Development of this audio player has slowed down, but the open-source community is doing a great job resolving issues reported by users. Sound Manager 2 is really well designed and is still compatible with the latest browser standards. It currently supports all major browsers including IE6, Safa...
4、jPlayer作为带播放列表的视频播放器 初始化的js代码: 复制 $(document).ready(function(){newjPlayerPlaylist({jPlayer:"#jquery_jplayer_1",cssSelectorAncestor:"#jp_container_1"}, [{title:"Big Buck Bunny Trailer",artist:"Blender Foundation",free:true,m4v:"
-- Tracks used in this music/audio player application are free to use. I downloaded them from Soundcloud and NCS websites. I am not the owner of these tracks.Please don't create new pen by just copying and pasting code from this pen ( as I have seen some of them ), if you do ...
HTML5 MP3 Player Support Cloud Servers, Icecast, Shoutcast, Wowza, Amazon S3 and other CDNs. Advertising in Players Promote your website, blog or product in our HTML5 Players. CREATE HTML5 RADIO PLAYER FREE We are one of the leading provider for HTML5 MP3/MP4 Horizontal Playlist, Vertical...
Scott Andrew’s HTML5 audio player is really lightweight, but it works amazingly. It is a great audio player to use, especially when you are not very fond of playlists or any fancy effects. HTML5 Audio Player Bookmarklet HTML5 Audio Player Bookmarklet places an audio player to play linked...
1)jPlayer jPlayer is the completelyfree and open source(MIT) media library written in JavaScript. A jQuery plugin, (and now a Zepto plugin,) jPlayer allows you to rapidly weavecross platformaudio and video into your web pages. jPlayer’s comprehensive API allows you to create innovative med...