1. 前端选择要上传的大文件 在HTML页面中添加一个文件上传的input标签,设置multiple属性和accept属性。 <inputtype="file"id="fileInput"multipleaccept="*"> 1. 2. 分片切割大文件 使用File API中的slice方法将大文件切割成多个小文件。 constfileInput=document.getElementById('fileInput');constfile=fileInput...
8.增加的input元素:search、tel、url、email、datetime、date、month、week、time、datetime-local、number、range、color 9.file增加multiple属性,可以一次选择多个文件,可以通过accept属性限制文件的种类 10.output元素,定义不同类型的输出,比如计算结果或脚本的输出 B.表单验证 1.required属性:非空验证 2.pattern属性:...
settings.allowsMultipleFiles = settings.allowsDirectoryUpload || input->fastHasAttribute(multipleAttr);#elsesettings.allowsMultipleFiles = input->fastHasAttribute(multipleAttr);#endifsettings.acceptMIMETypes = input->acceptMIMETypes(); settings.acceptFileExtensions= input->acceptFileExtensions(); settings....
var file = files[i]; if (!/image\/\w+/.test(file.type)) { console.log('该文件不是图像文件'); } else { console.log('该文件是图像文件'); } 但是如果只让传图片的话,可以在image控件添加一个属性 accept="image/*" 即可;我们可以如下写代码: <input type='file' multiple accept = 'imag...
On an <input> element, the multiple attribute only applies to these input types: file email With type="email", multiple comma-separated emails can be entered. Syntax<tagname multiple>Elements that accept multipleThe following elements accept the multiple attribute.Elements...
accept<input>Specifies the types of files that the server accepts (only for type="file") accept-charset<form>Specifies the character encodings that are to be used for the form submission accesskeyGlobal AttributesSpecifies a shortcut key to activate/focus an element ...
accept、alt、checked、disabled、maxlength、name、readonly、size、src、type、value这11个属性是input元素的传统元素属性 autocomplete、autofocus、form、formaction、formenctype、formmethod、formnovalidate、formtarget、height、list、max、min、multiple、novalidate、pattern、placeholder、required、step、width这19个属性是...
Instance properties that apply only to elements of type file accept A string that represents the element's accept attribute, containing comma-separated list of file types that can be selected. capture A string that represents the element's capture attribute, indicating the media capture input ...
accept file_extension audio/* video/* image/* media_type Specifies a filter for what file types the user can pick from the file input dialog box (only for type="file") alt text Specifies an alternate text for images (only for type="image") autocomplete on off Specifies whether an <inpu...
You can connect two or more fields in the HTML Form Web Part to another Web Part, if that Web Part can accept multiple parameters. In this case, you may need a SharePoint-compatible Web design program, such as SharePoint Designer 2010 to complete t...