HTML5针对html tag增加的属性:role 和 aria-*。 role的作用是描述一个非标准的tag的实际作用。比如用div做button,那么设置div 的 role=“button”,辅助工具就可以认出这实际上是个button。 ARIA Roles Use the ARIA role attribute to indicate that a generic tag is playing the role of a standard widget ...
主要内容是说明并演示了HTML5针对html tag增加的属性:role 和 aria-*。 role的作用是描述一个非标准的tag的实际作用。比如用div做button,那么设置div 的 role=“button”,辅助工具就可以认出这实际上是个button。 ARIA Roles Use the ARIA role attribute to indicate that a generic tag is playing the role ...
role:的作用是描述一个非标准的tag的实际作用。比如用div做button,那么设置div 的 role="button",辅助工具就可以认出这实际上是个button。 aria的意思是Accessible Rich Internet Application,aria-*的作用就是描述这个tag在可视化的情境中的具体信息。 <divrole="checkbox"aria-checked="checked"></div> 辅助工具...
aria的意思是Accessible Rich Internet Application,aria-*的作用就是描述这个tag在可视化的情境中的具体信息。比如: <divrole="checkbox"aria-checked="checked"></div> 辅助工具就会知道,这个div实际上是个checkbox的角色,为选中状态。 <ahref="#"class="dropdown-toggle"data-toggle="dropdown"role="button"aria...
Here are current HTML link tag attributes and their common values: Attribute Values Definition Example as audio document embed fetch font image object script style track video worker Specifies the type or role of the linked resource. It’s required when using the “preload” attribute. <...
You can use the components in multiple ways, or also a combination of them. If you to use components as 'includes', you may define a tag and src attribute name. Using our previous button component example, we can define the tag and attribute names and then use it in this way: ...
protected override string RenderAfterContent() { // Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element. // If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting, // render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not, // render the closing tag of the <font> element. if ...
using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.Adapters; namespace AspNet.Samples { // Create a simple class that inherits // from the Label class. public class TestLabel : Label { privat...
It smooths the impedance mismatch between the two tiers by adding a security barrier to protect core services in a customer-to-business (C2B) scenario and massaging data to and from JavaScript objects. The key role played by the AJAX service layer in an AJAX architecture makes the issue of ...
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