<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>3DModel</title> <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@google/model-viewer/dist/model-viewer.js"></script> <script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@google/...
构建 3D 的场景除了创建模型,对模型设置颜色和贴图外,还需要有灯光的效果才能更逼真的反映真实世界的...
四、Web Workers定义了一套API,能够允许脚本运行于后台,进行类似于后台异步、线程化的操作。 五、WebGl 定义了一套API, 能够允许在网页中使用类似于Open GL,实际上是一套基于OpenGL ES 2.0的3d图形API。这些API是通过HTML 5的canvas标签来使用的。 (3D渲染) HTML5 引入的新 HTML 元素包括: article:文章 aside...
Draco 是 Google 推出的一个用于 3D 模型压缩和解压缩的工具库,上述介绍的 FBX2glTF 及 COLLADA2GLTF 工具也嵌入了 Draco 压缩功能,除此之外,glTF 资源可通过基于 Draco 开发的命令行工具 gltf-pipeline 进行编码压缩,gltf-pipeline 可通过 npm 的方式安装使用。使用方法如下: #全局安装 npm install -g gltf-pip...
To get a 3D model and a marker moving on Google earth and map respectively, showing the live tracking of GPS Animation Mechanics in SVG: An Introduction by SimonS This article is the first in a series on various aspects of SVG. Another AJAX Custom Web Control by Tad McClellan A simple ...
<script>$(function(){letelement=$('#container-01');letconfig={backgroundColor:'white'};letviewer=$3Dmol.createViewer(element,config);viewer.addModel("3\n\nC 0 0 0\nO 1.16 0 0\nO -1.16 0 0","xyz");viewer.addUnitCell();viewer.setStyle({},{sphere:{}});viewer.zoomTo();viewer....
LiteBox3D Desktop is a powerful and free to use viewer, which supports multiple neutral 2D and 3D formats such as: JT ISO standard, PLMXML, STEP AP242, OBJ, WRL and TIFF. This viewer can be expanded with add-on applications for IP protection, model comparison and quality validation. ...
1Tags Code README GPL-3.0 license ObJS A 3D Wavefront obj file viewer for HTML5 written in JavaScript Live demo https://objs.inigovalentin.com Features Object rotation. Zoom in and out. Object movement. Mouse and touch control. Choose to draw (or not) vertices, edges or faces. ...
基于HTML5 + WebGL 的宇宙 3D 展示系统 也可用于互联网产品,作为航空航天类网站的门户页、展示页。 ...在配置上人造卫星轨道、监控区域的数据后,本系统可用作卫星系统,描述覆盖范围和呈现观测数据。...,也可用于展示行星周围卫星的分布情况,以及展示星体间引力、辐射范围等的拓扑结构。...该功能可用于地形的呈现...
3DTileColorBlendMode">Cesium3DTileColorBlendMode</a>|<a href="global.html#ColorBlendMode">ColorBlendMode</a></span><div class="source-link rightLinks"><a href="https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/blob/1.114/packages/engine/Source/Scene/Model/Model.js#L1019">engine/Source/Scene/Model/Model....