HTM 05-01 Firecode - fire safety in the NHS: managing healthcare fire safetyDepartment of Health
HTM 05-03 Part A Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions - part A: General fire safetyDepartment of Health
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Documents the outcomes of a study undertaken at a facilities directorate of a healthcare NHS trust, in searching its applicability within the NHS. Further describes the study methodology and the key activities undertaken and reviews the key communication and management processes that are in place to...
HTM 05-03 Part F Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions part F: Arson prevention in NHS premisesDepartment of Health
HTM 05-03 Part G Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions - part G: laboratories on healthcare premisesDepartment of Health
HTM 05-03 Part H Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions part H: Reducing false alarms in healthcare premisesDepartment of Health
HTM 05-03 Part B Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions - part B: fire detection and alarm systemsDepartment of Health
HTM 07-03 NHS car-parking management: environment and sustainabilityDepartment of HealthGOV.UK. HTM 07-03 NHS car-parking management: environment and sustainability, 2015.HTM 07-03 NHS Car-Parking Management: environment and sustainability. 2015 DH...
HTM 05-03 Part E Firecode - fire safety in the NHS. Operational provisions - part E: escape liftsDepartment of Health